
Custom HTML elements for the Firefox Marketplace

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Custom HTML elements for Firefox Marketplace.

make install
make serve

View Demo


The banner is used to show messages to users.

  Hey! You should read this.
  <a href="#do-something">Perform some action</a>
  <small>This small text will be hidden on narrow screens.</small>


attribute description
theme Change the color scheme. May be any of the actions defined in marketplace-frontend or a light variant. Examples: "success" (default) or "success-light". Additionally "firefox" may be specified for a gray banner with the Firefox logo.
dismiss Configure dismissal. Values: "on" (default), "off", "remember", "session".


The segmented control acts like a select but provides a horizontal layout.

        <option value="1">One</option>
        <option value="2">Two</option>
        <option value="3" selected>Three</option>
document.querySelector('mkt-segmented').value;  // "3"


A login link. This is pretty basic. It will add the "persona" class to a link.

<mkt-login link>Login!</mkt-login>


attribute description
link Required. Link is the only supported type right now.


A form that can take the form of a page or as a modal. As a page, it has just a submit button. As a modal, it has a cancel and submit button.

As a page:

    <p>What is your name?</p>
    <textarea name="name"></textarea>

As a modal:

<mkt-prompt data-modal>


event description
mkt-prompt-cancel cancel button is clicked
mkt-prompt-submit submit button is clicked. Serialized form data is passed in event details.


attribute description
validate function to determine form validity. Defaults to only call form.checkvalidity.