Online tool for converting track files produced by Geonaute/Decathlon ONmove 200/220 watches (typically a pair of .OMD/.OMH files) to GPX file format.
Technical informations found in the work of Clement CORDE
Live demo running here. Examples files in examples folder
<script src="omx2gpx.js"></script>
const omxparser = new OMXParser();
omxparser.addData(omh_data); // omh_data is the content of the .OMH file
omxparser.addData(omd_data); // omd_data is the content of the .OMD file
if (omxparser.valid) {
You can also bypass the .OMH (header) loading but beware, the GPX file won't any have valid date.
const omxparser = new OMXParser();
omxparser.addData(omd_data); // omd_data is the content of the .OMD file
if (omxparser.containspoints) {
- omx2gpx, C console program by Clement CORDE