
A MATLAB interface for Admiralty TotalTide

Primary LanguageMATLABMIT LicenseMIT


A MATLAB interface for Admiralty TotalTide

This library provides a MATLAB interface to the Admiralty Total Tide COM API, as well a number of custom functions which wrap commonly used functionality.

Using this library allows Total Tide port locations to be discovered and time-series data describing astronomical water level variations to be generated.


This library requires an authorised version of Admiralty Total Tide to be installed in order to be of any use

It also uses the os_toolbox in oder to provide coordinate conversion support.


Initialize port based on lon/lat

port = TotalTide.closestPort(-4.8858831,55.767350)

% port = Interface.CherSoft_TotalTide_Application_1.0_Type_Library.IPort
%                      Number: '0398'
%                        Name: 'Millport'
%                    Latitude: 55.75
%                   Longitude: -4.933333
%                 StationType: 'PortHarmonic'
%                      IsPort: 1
%                    IsStream: 0
%                    Filtered: 1
%                     Country: 'Scotland'
%                    ZoneTime: 0
%                      Height: 1.91651478620743
%            HighestHighWater: 3.4
%             LowestHighWater: 2.7
%             HighestLowWater: 1
%              LowestLowWater: 0.4
%                MeanSeaLevel: 1.993
%      DaysToOrFromSpringTide: -4
%     HighestAstronomicalTide: 3.9
%      LowestAstronomicalTide: -0.1
%         MinimumDisplayScale: 5000000
%                  TypeOfPort: 'PortSecondaryHarmonic'

Initialize port based on OSGB easting/northing

port = TotalTide.closestPort(219055,656439, 'format', 'OSGB')

Examine port info

Print out all properties


Retreive individual properties


Get water levels from a window of time

e.g. next 30 days at 20 min resolution

levels = TotalTide.getHeights(port, now, 30, 20)

% levels = 
%       time: [1x2160 double]
%     height: [1x2160 double]

Get only slack water levels from a window of time

e.g. next 30 days

levels = TotalTide.getSlackHeights(port, now, 30)

% levels = 
%          time: [1x116 double]
%        height: [1x116 double]
%     highWater: [1x116 double]

Get only water levels from specific times

Single point - right now!

levels = TotalTide.getSpecificHeights(port, now)

% levels =
%           2.65346144793728

Multiple times - now and same time tomorrow

levels = TotalTide.getSpecificHeights(port, [now, now+1])

% levels =
%           2.65346144793728
%           2.24552796043786

Quickly plot generated water levels

TotalTide.plotHeights(levels, port.name) % name optional

Using the TotalTide API

Total Tide provides a greater range of functionality than described above. Full documentation for the Total Tide COM API is provided on the secured Total Tide developer website

The base Total Tide API can be easily accessed using the TotalTide.connection object provided in this library:

conn = TotalTide.connection;

Using the returned object allows the raw API functions to be used. For example, finding a port by its Admiralty number identifier.

port = conn.StationByNumber('0332') 

which returns single location associated with unique ID number.

Alternatively, ports can be found using their name

ports = conn.StationsByName('Millport',0)

which returns a collection of locations based on the search term (the second argument indicates search type: 0 = ports only, 1 = streams % only and 2 = both)

ports.size % => 1 

and an individual port can be isolated using the .Item() method

port = ports.Item(1)

and can then be passed into one of the custom water level functions:

levels = TotalTide.getHeights(port, now, 30, 20)