
Backend for Spatial.dj, handles song synchronization across clients, socket.io logic and more.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Spatial Dj


Tech Stack

  • Frontend: JavaScript, React, Chakra UI, Redux, Socket.io Client, Axios
  • Backend: JavaScript, Node.js, Express, Redis (node-redis), Socket.io

How it works

Redis is used as both a cache and a database.

Here is a video showcasing the features of Spatial.dj (click the image to watch on YouTube):


An overview of the core systems is given below:


Users can create rooms where others can join. A room is a place where multiple people can listen to the same songs together, at the same time.


Songs are played through playlists created by users. A playlist is a collection of songs. Users can freely add or remove songs from their playlists and rearrange the order of their songs. Playlists help facilitate the queue system of Spatial.dj.

Queue System

The order of which songs are played is determined by the queue system. Users can join the queue in the room to have the songs in their selected playlist played. The order in which users join the queue determines the order on which songs are played. For each user in the queue, the first song in their selected playlist will be played. Then the first song will be cycled to the back of the playlist. This way, each user in the queue is guaranteed to have one of their songs played and playlists of any size will continue to keep playing until the user leaves the queue.

  • Consider the following example:
  • Three users A, B, C
  • Each user's selected playlist has three songs labelled as follows: A = [1, 2, 3], B = [4, 5, 6], C = [7, 8, 9]
    • A joins queue first
    • B joins queue second
    • C joins queue third
    • First, song 1 from A's playlist is played
    • Second, song 4 from B's playlist is played
    • Third, song 7 from C's playlist is played
    • Fourth, song 2 from A's playlist is played
    • Fifth, song 5 from B's playlist is played
    • This pattern continues... This may seem complicated in writing, but in practice, it is a very intuitive and fair system. The queue system is handled through Socket.io events. Events will be emitted when the song plays, or when there are no more users in the queue (as to stop the song).


Users can like or dislike the current song. This is handled through Socket.io events. Disliking the current song allows users to skip the song. If at least half of the people in the room have disliked the song, it will be skipped.

Architecture Diagram

The following image illustrates the architecture of Spatial.dj. Clients communicate with the Express.js server through HTTP requests and Socket.io events. The server communicate with the YouTube API to allow users to search Youtube for songs and with the Redis database to handle storing data and searching for rooms.


Redis Commands

How the data is stored:

  • Room
    • Prefix: room:
    • Type: HASH
    • Fields:
      • messages: redis key to messages to this room
      • id: id of this room
      • json: JSON representation of this room (used because RediSearch does not support JSON yet)
      • numMembers: the number of members currently in the room
      • description: the description of the room
      • name: the name of the room
      • private: (true | false) whether the room is searchable
      • genres: genres the room is geared towards
    • Indices (RediSearch):
      • name: TEXT
      • description: TEXT
      • genres: TAG
      • numMembers: NUMERIC
      • private: TAG
    • Commands:
      • HGET ${roomId} json: get JSON representation of this room
      • HSET room:${roomId} id ${roomId} name ${name} description ${description} private ${private} genres ${genres} numMembers ${numMembers} json ${roomJson}: Create a new room or update room (not all fields required)
      • EXISTS ${roomId}: Check if a room exists (used when attempting to join room)
      • FT.SEARCH @name|description:(${searchQuery}) @private:{false} @genres:{${genres}} SORTBY numMembers DESC LIMIT ${offset} ${limit}: Used for rooms page for searching
  • User queue
    • Prefix: queue:
    • Type: LIST
    • Data: A list of usernames of users in the queue of the associated room
    • Commands:
      • RPUSH queue:${roomId} ${username}: Add user to queue or create queue
      • LRANGE queue:${roomId} 0 -1: Get all users in the queue
      • LREM queue:${roomId} -1, ${username}: Remove user from queue
      • LMOVE queue:${roomId} queue:${roomId} LEFT RIGHT: Cycle through queue (move user from front of queue to back of queue)
  • Session
    • Prefix: sess:
    • Type: STRING
    • Data: Stores session data for authentication
    • Commands:
      • SET sess:${sessionId} ${data}: Create a new session. Used by connect-redis
      • GET sess:${sessionId}: Get session data. Used by connect-redis
      • EXISTS sess:${sessionId}: Check if session exists. Used by connect-redis
  • User
    • Prefix: user:
    • Type: JSON
    • Fields:
      • username: Username of user
      • password: Hashed and salted password using bcrypt
      • profilePicture: URL to an image
      • selectedPlaylist: user's currently selected playlist
      • playlist: playlist objects
        • Example playlist:
          • "db168000-fa58-491b-81d0-1287d866fcf7": {
              "id": "db168000-fa58-491b-81d0-1287d866fcf7",
              "name": "Text playlist",
              "user": "exampleuser",
              "queue": [
                  "videoId": "TT4PHY0_hwE",
                  "title": "Ekcle - Pearl Jigsaw",
                  "thumbnails": {
                      "default": {
                      "url": "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/TT4PHY0_hwE/default.jpg",
                      "width": 120,
                      "height": 90
                  "channelTitle": "Ekcle",
                  "id": "2f7473db-2aec-4ec1-a2bd-623ed6b3ce48",
                  "duration": 348000
    • Example user:
      •   {
            "username": ...,
            "password": ...,
            "profilePicture": ...,
            "playlist": { ... },
            "selectedPlaylist": ...
    • Commands:
      • JSON.SET user:${username} ${path} ${userJson}: Create a new user or update user data
      • JSON.GET user:${username} ${path}: Get user data
  • Messages
    • Prefix: message:
    • Type: LIST
    • Data: JSON-stringified objects, with fields id, timeSent, text, sender (which contains fields username and profilePicture)
    • Commands:
      • LPUSH message:${messagesId} ${data}: Add a new message to the room's message history
      • LRANGE message:${messagesId} ${start} ${end}: Get message history of a room, starting with the newest and going backwards
  • Socket
    • Prefix: socket:
    • Type: STRING
    • Data: The username that this socket belongs to
    • Commands:
      • SET socket:${socketId} ${username}: Create a new socket
      • GET socket:${socketId}: Get associated username associated with socket
      • DEL socket:${socketId}: Delete socket

Data flow

  • For users:
    • When a user registers, a user is created like:
      • JSON.SET user:${username} . ${userJson}
    • To log a user in, a new session is created:
      • SET sess:${sessionId} ${data}
    • To retrieve user information:
      • JSON.GET user:${username} ${path}
  • For sockets:
    • When a new socket is connected to the server and the request is authenticated (user is logged in), a new socket is created and the associated username is stored:
      • SET socket:${socketId} ${username}
    • When a socket is disconnected from the server, it is deleted:
      • DEL socket:${socketId}
  • For rooms:
    • When a room is searched for, RedisSearch is used to make the search:
      • FT.SEARCH @name|description:(${searchQuery}) @private:{false} @genres:{${genres}} SORTBY numMembers DESC LIMIT ${offset} ${limit}
    • When a new room is created, a room is created like:
      • HSET room:${roomId} id ${roomId} name ${name} description ${description} private ${private} genres ${genres} numMembers ${numMembers} json ${roomJson}
    • When a room is updated, it is updated like (all fields are optional):
      • HSET room:${roomId} id ${roomId} name ${name} description ${description} private ${private} genres ${genres} numMembers ${numMembers} json ${roomJson}
  • For queues:
    • When a user joins the queue, a queue is created/the user is added to the queue:
      • RPUSH queue:${roomId} ${username}
    • When it is a user's turn to play a song, the user is moved to the end of the queue:
      • LMOVE queue:${roomId} queue:${roomId} LEFT RIGHT
    • At the same time, the song played is moved to the end of the user's playlist:
      • song = JSON.ARRPOP user:${username} .playlist.${playlistId}.queue 0
      • JSON.ARRAPPEND user:${username} .playlist.${playlistId}.queue song
  • For playlists:
    • When a new playlist is created/updating an existing playlist:
      • JSON.SET user:${username} .playlist.${playlistId} ${playlistJson}
    • When a playlist is deleted:
      • JSON.DEL user:${username} .playlist.${playlistId}
    • When the user selects a playlist:
      • JSON.SET user:${username} .selectedPlaylist ${playlistId})
    • When a song is added to a playlist:
      • JSON.ARRAPPEND user:${username} .playlist.${playlistId}.queue ${song}
    • To get songs from a playlist:
      • JSON.GET user:${username} .playlist.${playlistId}.queue

Code Example: Delete a Specific Song from a User's Playlist

const songs = JSON.parse(await jsonGetAsync(getUserKey(username), `.playlist.${playlistId}.queue`))
const songIndex = songs.findIndex(song => song.id === songId)
const success = songIndex !== -1

if (success) {
  songs.splice(songIndex, 1)

try {
  await jsonSetAsync(getUserKey(username), `.playlist.${playlistId}.queue`, JSON.stringify(songs))
} catch (error) {
  return res.status(400).json(error)

How to run it locally?


  • Node v14.16.1
  • npm v6.14.12
  • Redis v6.2.3 with RediSearch v2.0 and RedisJSON v1.0

We used the RedisMod Docker image to setup our Redis modules.

  1. Make sure to clone the frontend of Spatial.dj here!
  2. In the root directory of frontend, type: npm install to install frontend dependencies
  3. Go to the root directory of backend and create a file called config.js with the following contents:
export default {
  redisHost: 'localhost',
  redisPassword: 'your_password_for_redis_here',
  sessionSecret: 'somesessionsecret',
  passwordSaltRounds: 10,
  youtube_key: 'youtube_api_key'
Property Description
redisHost URL of where your Redis is hosted
redisPassword Password to your Redis
sessionSecret Secret for session cookies to authenticate users
passwordSaltRounds Number of salt rounds for bcrypt
youtube_key Your YouTube API key, follow the steps here on how to get one
  1. In the root directory of backend, type: npm install to install backend dependencies
  2. Run npm start in root directory of backend
  3. Run npm start in root directory of frontend
  4. Your app should be running at localhost:3000

Running in production

  1. Go to root directory of frontend
  2. Install dependencies: npm ci
  3. Build frontend: npm run build
  4. Copy files from /build to the backend /public folder
  5. Go to root directory of backend
  6. Install dependencies: npm ci
  7. Create a file called config.js in the root directory of backend with the following contents:
export default {
  redisHost: 'localhost',
  redisPassword: 'your_password_for_redis_here',
  redisPort: 6379, // 6379 is the default or use your custom port
  sessionSecret: 'somesessionsecret',
  passwordSaltRounds: 10,
  youtube_key: 'youtube_api_key'
  1. Replace the values with your own information
  2. Run server: PORT=80 NODE_ENV=production node bin/www.js