Converting files to "multipass" files

A multipass file is a file that can be used as multiple fileformats by changing the file extension. Initially created to move data in and out of ATAK.

  1. For ATAK/WinTAK use MBTILES files
  2. For ArcGIS use GPKG files

So if you get a file that is called file.mbtiles.gpkg and want to use it in ATAK/WinTAK rename it to file.mbtiles, if you want to use it in ArcGIS rename it to file.gpkg.

Using the different scripts

  • Install QGIS and open OSGeo4W Shell
  • If you need to change from C: to another drive, type the drive letter and press enter, for example "G:" ENTER
  • Navigate to the folder where you have your scripts by typing "CD folder"
  • Choose the script you want to run

(All scripts creates a copy of the original file that the operations are made on so you won't have to be afraid to make break anything)


This script is used to convert an ATAK sqlite raster cache to a multipass file.

  • Run the script by typing atak2multipass.bat and press ENTER
  • The script asks for what sqlite file you want to convert, type in the name of the file and press ENTER


This file is used to convert a MBTILES raster file to a multipass file.

NOTE You cant convert MBTILES vector files NOTE

  • Run the script by typing mbtiles2multipass.bat and press ENTER

  • Kör scriptet genom att skriva mbtiles2multipass.bat och trycka enter

  • The script asks for what sqlite file you want to convert, type in the name of the file and press ENTER


This script is used to convert a folder with images to a multipass file.

  • Run the script by typing folder2multipass.bat and press ENTER
  • The script asks what folder and filetype you want to convert, typ in the folder and a pattern for the files. Example C:\myfiles*.tif
  • The script asks for the name of the file that should be converted, type it in without file extension. Example C:\myfiles\mymultipassfile


This file converts a GPKG file to a multipass file, given that you created your GPKG file with GoogleMapsCompatable tiles with GDAL.