
This template includes all the scripts and assets needed to create an obby (obstacle course) game, along with a sample scene.

Primary LanguageShaderLab

Spatial Obby Template

Quick Start

The simplest way to get started is by working with/making a copy of the ObbyTemplate scene. It has all the required manager objects already created and a few example obby nodes.

Creating a new ObbyNode

  • Add a copy of the EmptyObbyNode prefab into the scene
  • Drag the obby node into the Nodes list of the ObbyCourse you want to add it to
    • Reorder the nodes in the list to change their order in the course
  • Add any obby elements/objects you want!
    • It's best to have all the objects of a node as children of the ObbyNode.
  • Make sure to move the Target GameObject to where you want the next node to start.
    • Changing the rotation of the Target GameObject also determines the orientation of the next node


Obby Platform

The ObbyPlatform component is used to apply effects to the player and register custom collision events.

  • Actor Effect various effects applied to the player during contact with the platform.
    • None does nothing, use if you want to to add your own custom collision events.
    • Kill kills the player on touch.
    • Force applies a force on the player while they are in contact with the platform
      • Applies a vector representing the force onto the player in either local or world space
    • Trampoline bounces the player into the air on touch
      • You can customize the height the player bounces with the TrampolineHeight field.
  • Events
    • OnPlayerEnter is invoked the first frame a player collides with the platform, does not get invoked again until player stops touching the platform
    • OnPlayerExit is invoked the first frame the player leaves the platform after having been in contact with it
    • OnPlayerStay is invoked every frame the player is in contact with the platform

Obby Zone

The Obby Zone component acts as a trigger: the player does not collide with it, but will register events while the player is inside.

  • Actor Effect
    • None, Kill, Force are the same as the ObbyPlatform actor effects
    • Speed Multiplier multiplies the player's speed by a given value while they are inside the zone
      • Multiplier can be negative (reversed directions), magnitude ranges from 0.1 to 10.
  • Events
    • OnPlayerEnter, OnPlayerExit, OnPlayerStay are the same as ObbyPlatform

Obby Waypoint Carousel

Moves any number of platforms along a path or loop dictated by waypoints.
Requires at least 2 waypoints.

  • Waypoints list of transforms that sequentially form the path the platforms will follow.
  • Platforms list of transforms representing the platforms that will follow the path. Don't necessarily have to be ObbyPlatforms.
  • LoopType
    • Loop turns the waypoint path into a loop by connecting the first and last waypoints.
    • PingPong platforms reverse direction upon reaching either end of the path.
      • Pause At Ends if enabled, exposes a field that represents the time in seconds to pause at each end of the path.
  • SpacingType
    • Max platforms are evenly spaced as far apart as possible.
    • Custom exposes a field that allows you to add any amount of spacing between 0 and the maximum spacing.

Obby Node

Each ObbyNode has a Node Platform and a Target gameobject.

  • Node Platform is used for checkpoint purposes, by default it is the platform of the node itself.
    • If you want to add a custom checkpoint object, you must assign a different Obby Platform to the Node Platform field.
  • The position and rotation of the Target GameObject determines the orientation and position of the next node in the course.

Obby Game Manager

Required for obby functionality

  • Default Course the course the player starts at by default, currently also determines which course is loaded when rejoining
  • Allow Course Hopping in a space with multiple courses, allows players to switch between courses midway.
    • If false, the player will be teleported back to the last node they were on in the previous course.
  • Teleport Player To Node On Start enables save/load, teleports player to last node they previously reached upon joining
    • If player is new, teleports to first node.
  • New Node Particles particle effect played when player reaches new node.

Obby Smooth Camera

  • Freeze Camera Duration how long to freeze the camera upon player death (seconds).
  • Death Particles particle effect played when player dies.