Python Django Assessment


This application uses Python 3 and Django 3.0.6 It contains a Movies module for managing movie entities.

Assessment statement

Task #1

Implement the Django movies application. Your tasks is to create the different Django views and models to cover the acceptance criteria in the assessment context:

  • List all the movies sorted by date and rating (descending)
  • Movie’s details views
  • Create new movie
  • Delete movies
  • Edit movies Create new rating. You must calculate the movie’s overall rating based on every user feedback.

Tasks #2

We do like testing our code, don’t you??

Unit tests has been implemented for you to verify top-notch code has been written.

Your task is to ensure that all unit tests pass (without editing any of them) by implementing four class-based views (CBV) and mixins.

  1. Implement MovieDetailView. It should load movie details for a given id parameter. If the requested movie doesn't exist, user should be redirected to /movies/ default route (MovieListView: movies:index).

  2. Implement MovieCreateView. It should populate a form field with movie details. After successful submission, user should be redirected to the page of the created movie (MovieDetailView: movie:detail). Please do not forget to add a validator to check the id. The id can only be a number, that is it may only contain digits. Validation can be done in the Movie model. Additionally, please add the following messages:

    • The movie has been successfully created! - when a movie is added.
    • The creation has failed. - when the process of adding a movie failed.
  3. Implement MovieUpdateView. It should populate form fields with movie details for the passed id parameter. If the movie with a given id doesn't exist, user should be redirected to /movies/ default route (MovieListView: movies:index). After successful submission, user should be redirected to the page showing the details of the edited movie (MovieDetailView: movies:detail). Additionally, please add the following messages:

    • The movie has been successfully updated! - when a movie is updated.
    • The update has failed. - when the process of updating a movie failed.
  4. Implement MovieDeleteView. It should delete a movie with a given id parameter. If the movie with a given id doesn't exist, user should be redirected to /movies/ default route (MovieListView: movies:index). Once the movie is deleted, user should be redirected to a list of movies (MovieListView: movies:index). Additionally, please add the following messages:

    • The movie has been successfully deleted! - when a movie is deleted.
    • The deletion has failed. - when the process of deleting a movie failed.


Please do not modify unit tests.


To execute the unit tests, use:

pip install -q -e . && python nosetests

To run migrations, use:

python makemigrations movies
python migrate

To load movies fixtures, use:

python loaddata movie

To run the project, use:

python runserver