- 1
Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Casts\ArrayObject not transforming into array
#913 opened by qbaniewiadomski - 2
No matching handler found for Mockery_0_Illuminate_Config_Repository::get('data.max_transformation_depth', NULL)
#906 opened by quangiahopan - 5
TransformedDataCollectableResolver: Argument #1 ($data) must be of type BaseData, array given
#878 opened by alexanderkroneis - 0
Serialization structure caching
#903 opened by rbongers-programic - 2
::from(...) Wrong error message when there's attribute name issue in a nested class
#809 opened by ropi-bc - 3
Empty arrays aren't converted to Collections
#810 opened by ropi-bc - 1
De-serialization exception
#888 opened by kminek - 4
- 1
- 3
Not wrapping additional properties
#893 opened by ennorehling - 0
docs: why is this change is not published yet?
#898 opened by azzumed - 3
Optimize exception when app/Data doesn't exist
#892 opened by jaspertey - 1
Target class [config] does not exist.
#890 opened by jackchang1025 - 4
Conflict Between Optional and Required Rules
#844 opened by clementbirkle - 1
Parameters check bug
#882 opened by nsvetozarevic - 3
- 2
RequiredIf rule not applied to Optional properties initialized with 'new Optional'
#877 opened by RasmusGodske - 1
ExcludeIf not working
#873 opened by scippio - 4
Include/exclude does not work on the `Resource` class
#868 opened by Tofandel - 1
Bug: Nested LaravelData classes with collections don't propagate custom error messages
#867 opened by RasmusGodske - 6
RequiredWith not working as expected
#853 opened by scippio - 4
- 1
->include doesn't work if the property is nullable
#847 opened by genesiscz - 1
- 1
- 1
spatie/laravel-translatable fields broken
#851 opened by profd2004 - 1
Possible break in 4.8.0
#839 opened by bastianschwarz - 2
- 1
Abstract data objects not encrypted
#828 opened by kiwina - 2
When using app() Container method with partial $model->fill() data, validation failes
#830 opened by eelco2k - 1
#[List] validation attribute not working - syntax error, unexpected token "list"
#806 opened by atang08 - 1
Lazy::whenLoaded has not any method that indicate is relation loaded or not?
#827 opened by MjavadBakhshi - 4
Array type is not cast or checked
#782 opened by MightyPork - 1
Eager loaded relations are reset which throws a lazy loading violation
#792 opened by sebastiaanluca - 1
"Unique" validator with ignore parameter works wrong in sequentially run tests
#793 opened by dima-stazzle - 1
- 1
- 1
Relation with recursive reference causes infinite loop (even if it's not in the data)
#787 opened by Tofandel - 2
- 1
Unable to transform data
#788 opened by badasukerubin - 2
Dot notation doesn't work with related model's property with MapInputName
#783 opened by marielsabornido - 1
Backward compatibility is broken 4.5.1 🡒 4.6.0
#774 opened by alexrififi - 2
#[GreaterThan], #[GreaterThanOrEqualTo], #[LessThan], #[LessThanOrEqualTo] works not as expected (size comparision)
#772 opened by isag-clemensbastian - 1
- 1
Exception on validating typed fields
#760 opened by Ayiannah - 1
- 1
Lazy properties are not countable since v4
#755 opened by linaspasv - 1
- 4
- 0
Uncaught InvalidArgumentException: Non-backed enums have no default serialization
#759 opened by rodrigorioo