- 3
Submenu wrap Issue
#124 opened by achatzi78 - 2
Installation problem with required illuminate/auth
#106 opened by kagnara - 0
- 0
Add items from packages/ multiple places
#140 opened by nasirkhan - 0
- 0
Setup the first menu
#134 opened by nasirkhan - 2
set parent element active on child element active
#133 opened by poseso - 3
Classes no longer work
#132 opened by bbashy - 0
Translatable Menu
#125 opened by YnievesDotNet - 0
Problem when adding a new item in the menu I get 2 items activated that redirect to another page.
#118 opened by alexv96 - 0
- 0
- 1
Create PHP 8 only version.
#113 opened by freekmurze - 2
where to put 'Menu::new()...'
#105 opened by larylinz - 1
Invalid scheme when using javascript
#111 opened by ChristinePHP - 4
Invalid Scheme using javascript:;
#99 opened by i6media - 1
- 1
[Feature Request] Add remove/delete method?
#104 opened by jensolafkoch - 1
setActiveFromURL() with Submenus
#101 opened by Kibadda - 2
- 1
Problem install spatie/laravel-menu php7.2
#107 opened by kagnara - 1
Documentation URLs are broken
#102 opened by supertassu - 3
routeIfCan results in Error when using permission from spatie/laravel-permission
#98 opened by apmyp1990 - 1
Parent tag attributes issue
#97 opened by bloodmanred - 1
Wrap around <ul> only like #48
#91 opened by tuongnguyendev - 1
Testbench not on `require-dev`?
#96 opened by stephandesouza - 1
Laravel 6 compatibility
#95 opened by josegus - 1
Return menu as json
#93 opened by sinnbeck - 3
Allow add menu by different packages
#92 opened by thewebartisan7 - 1
- 4
Html setAttribute
#90 opened by LPABelgium - 2
show submenu based on some condition
#89 opened by ritterg - 1
Submenu semantically wrong
#88 opened by notflip - 0
nested menu translation
#87 opened by ToeiRei - 1
Custom $activeClass and $exactActiveClass
#86 opened by jadamec - 1
- 1
class to linkIfCan
#82 opened by alagoroVigo - 0
Build from data source in Laravel
#84 opened by notflip - 1
Need Example for Recrusive Menu.
#77 opened by decreative1989 - 4
[L5.7] setActiveFromRequest() throws Exception after 'php artisan config:cache'
#81 opened by axit-joost - 1
Menu::create method doesn't exist.
#80 opened by kovalc0mrade - 1
Horizontal, Vertical and multilevel menu
#76 opened by usmanhafeez147 - 2
Route not defined in Laravel 5.5
#68 opened by jeangomes - 1
- 2
Problem with subroutes?
#74 opened by jurgenbosch - 2
Change Menu::new() function name
#73 opened by Phil795 - 1
Class 'Link' not found
#72 opened by StefCoene - 2
Bootstrap 4
#71 opened by bishopm - 1
How to set active Laravel menu by route name
#67 opened by thanonoc - 1
returning just the json of menu
#69 opened by leandroruel