
Cache issue with spatie/laravel-permission in TenantAware Command

Closed this issue · 5 comments


I ran into an issue when messing with TenantAware Commands. I am not sure whether this is an actual bug, or if it is related to this package or related to spatie/laravel-permission

My code was the following :

class GivePermissionsCommand extends Command
    use TenantAware;

    protected $signature = 'give:permissions {role : Slug name of the role to update} {permissions : Comma separated list of permissions} {--revoke : Adding this option will revoke the permission from the role instead} {--tenant=*}';

    protected $description = 'Give/Revoke permissions from a given role';

    public function handle(): int
        $tenant = Tenant::current();
        $this->info("Running command for tenant `{$tenant->name}` (id: {$tenant->getKey()})...");

        $role = Role::findByName($this->argument('role'));

        $permissions = explode(',', $this->argument('permissions'));

        if ($this->option('revoke')) {
        } else {

        return Command::SUCCESS;

After running the command, I refresh my website, and I still don't have my permission. However, the permission exists in the database. Leading me to an obvious cache issue.

As a workaround and after digging through the code base, I added the following to my code :

// Force cache for Tenant.

The final result being :

class GivePermissionsCommand extends Command
    use TenantAware;

    protected $signature = 'give:permissions {role : Slug name of the role to update} {permissions : Comma separated list of permissions} {--revoke : Adding this option will revoke the permission from the role instead} {--tenant=*}';

    protected $description = 'Give/Revoke permissions from a given role';

    public function handle(): int
        $tenant = Tenant::current();
        $this->info("Running command for tenant `{$tenant->name}` (id: {$tenant->getKey()})...");

        // Force cache for Tenant.

        $role = Role::findByName($this->argument('role'));

        $permissions = explode(',', $this->argument('permissions'));

        if ($this->option('revoke')) {
        } else {

        return Command::SUCCESS;

Hi @Kryptonien. Please post your migration here.


Hey @masterix21

Here's what I have:

// migrations/landlord/2023_06_30_210521_create_landlord_tenants_table.php

use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;
use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;

class CreateLandlordTenantsTable extends Migration
    public function up(): void
        Schema::create('tenants', static function (Blueprint $table) {
// migrations/2022_12_07_013735_create_permission_tables.php

use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;
use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;
use Spatie\Permission\PermissionRegistrar;

class CreatePermissionTables extends Migration
    public function up()
        $tableNames = config('permission.table_names');
        $columnNames = config('permission.column_names');
        $teams = config('permission.teams');

        if (empty($tableNames)) {
            throw new Exception('Error: config/permission.php not loaded. Run [php artisan config:clear] and try again.');
        if ($teams && empty($columnNames['team_foreign_key'] ?? null)) {
            throw new Exception('Error: team_foreign_key on config/permission.php not loaded. Run [php artisan config:clear] and try again.');

        Schema::create($tableNames['permissions'], function (Blueprint $table) {
            $table->bigIncrements('id'); // permission id
            $table->string('name', 125);       // For MySQL 8.0 use string('name', 125);
            $table->string('guard_name', 125); // For MySQL 8.0 use string('guard_name', 125);

            $table->unique(['name', 'guard_name']);

        Schema::create($tableNames['roles'], function (Blueprint $table) use ($teams, $columnNames) {
            $table->bigIncrements('id'); // role id
            if ($teams || config('permission.testing')) { // permission.testing is a fix for sqlite testing
                $table->index($columnNames['team_foreign_key'], 'roles_team_foreign_key_index');
            $table->string('display_name', 125);
            $table->string('name', 125);       // For MySQL 8.0 use string('name', 125);
            $table->string('guard_name', 125); // For MySQL 8.0 use string('guard_name', 125);
            if ($teams || config('permission.testing')) {
                $table->unique([$columnNames['team_foreign_key'], 'name', 'guard_name']);
            } else {
                $table->unique(['name', 'guard_name']);

        Schema::create($tableNames['model_has_permissions'], function (Blueprint $table) use ($tableNames, $columnNames, $teams) {

            $table->index([$columnNames['model_morph_key'], 'model_type'], 'model_has_permissions_model_id_model_type_index');

                ->references('id') // permission id
            if ($teams) {
                $table->index($columnNames['team_foreign_key'], 'model_has_permissions_team_foreign_key_index');

                $table->primary([$columnNames['team_foreign_key'], PermissionRegistrar::$pivotPermission, $columnNames['model_morph_key'], 'model_type'], 'model_has_permissions_permission_model_type_primary');
            } else {
                $table->primary([PermissionRegistrar::$pivotPermission, $columnNames['model_morph_key'], 'model_type'], 'model_has_permissions_permission_model_type_primary');

        Schema::create($tableNames['model_has_roles'], function (Blueprint $table) use ($tableNames, $columnNames, $teams) {

            $table->index([$columnNames['model_morph_key'], 'model_type'], 'model_has_roles_model_id_model_type_index');

                ->references('id') // role id
            if ($teams) {
                $table->index($columnNames['team_foreign_key'], 'model_has_roles_team_foreign_key_index');

                $table->primary([$columnNames['team_foreign_key'], PermissionRegistrar::$pivotRole, $columnNames['model_morph_key'], 'model_type'], 'model_has_roles_role_model_type_primary');
            } else {
                $table->primary([PermissionRegistrar::$pivotRole, $columnNames['model_morph_key'], 'model_type'], 'model_has_roles_role_model_type_primary');

        Schema::create($tableNames['role_has_permissions'], function (Blueprint $table) use ($tableNames) {

                ->references('id') // permission id

                ->references('id') // role id

            $table->primary([PermissionRegistrar::$pivotPermission, PermissionRegistrar::$pivotRole], 'role_has_permissions_permission_id_role_id_primary');

            ->store(config('') !== 'default' ? config('') : null)

    public function down()
        $tableNames = config('permission.table_names');

        if (empty($tableNames)) {
            throw new Exception('Error: config/permission.php not found and defaults could not be merged. Please publish the package configuration before proceeding, or drop the tables manually.');


Try with it:


use Spatie\Multitenancy\Models\Tenant;
use Spatie\Multitenancy\Tasks\SwitchTenantTask;
use Spatie\Permission\PermissionRegistrar;

class SwitchSpatiePermissionsTask implements SwitchTenantTask
    protected ?string $originalSpatiePermissionCacheKey;

    public function makeCurrent(Tenant $tenant): void
        $this->originalSpatiePermissionCacheKey = PermissionRegistrar::$cacheKey;


    private function setup(Tenant $tenant)
        PermissionRegistrar::$cacheKey .= '.'.$tenant->id;

    public function forgetCurrent(): void
        PermissionRegistrar::$cacheKey = $this->originalSpatiePermissionCacheKey;

This won't work as I am relying on PrefixCacheTask provided by this package. The root problem comes from the fact that even after switching cache prefix, it is somehow ignored in console.

Here's a rough idea of the workflow (imo),

  1. From a browser
    • Accessing my website (
    • DomainTenantFinder.php will switch to Tenant hello
    • Tasks are executed, new prefix cache is set by PrefixCacheTask.php
    • spatie/laravel-permission is initialised by the Framework (set the cacheManager)
    • Render the website, permissions are loaded properly, no issue here
  2. From a console
    • Running artisan command php artisan give:permission admin 'edit file'
    • spatie/laravel-permission is initialised by the Framework (set the cacheManager)
    • GivePermissionsCommand.php will switch to Tenant hello using TenantAware.php
    • Tasks are executed, new prefix cache is set by PrefixCacheTask.php (but laravel-permission cacheManager is not updated)
    • handle method is executed by the Framework

Conclusion, spatie/laravel-permission is initialised before PrefixCacheTask is being executed while in console. Changing $cacheKey won't fix the problem.

However, based on your suggestion, I could override PrefixCacheTask.php and do the following

    protected function setCachePrefix(string $prefix)
        config()->set('cache.prefix', $prefix);


        // This is important because the `CacheManager` will have the `$app['config']` array cached
        // with old prefixes on the `cache` instance. Simply calling `forgetDriver` only removes
        // the `$store` but doesn't update the `$app['config']`.

        //This is important because the Cache Repository is using an old version of the CacheManager

        // Forget the cache repository in the container

        // Force cache for Tenant.


This might work.

Thanks for your share.