- 0
Exception: Current Tenant Could Not Be Determined in `health:queue-check-heartbeat` Job with Laravel Scheduler
#567 opened by michaelnabil230 - 6
Tenant-Aware Job Scheduling with Horizon
#498 opened by avt00 - 3
Tenant Aware Queues - No database selected
#564 opened by moisish - 1
getConnectionName() not compatible - ?string
#554 opened by kiwina - 1
- 15
- 4
NeedsTenant with route model binding
#550 opened by jetapps-team - 4
Custom cache driver missing when switching Tenant
#533 opened by markieo1 - 3
Switching tenants in the jobs queue
#558 opened by TheAdnan - 3
Session store not set on request
#556 opened by sbc640964 - 2
Spatie\Multitenancy\Concerns\UsesMultitenancyConfig should be moved to ImplementsTenant?
#551 opened by thumbtech - 2
- 1
Problem to install in Laravel 11
#546 opened by wagnerbugs - 0
Can't make route not tenant aware
#537 opened by gssj85 - 3
Cannot schedule jobs in Laravel 11
#534 opened by dwrzos - 0
- 1
- 1
- 0
I want to Connect to mongo DB for some tables but it is giving "Database connection [mongodb] not configured.", exception: "InvalidArgumentException",…} error
#527 opened by iamabhilash-kumar - 4
MakeQueueTenantAwareAction seems to break active requests when Queue Connection is sync
#500 opened by rhurling - 5
- 2
Tenant Aware Queue Fails No Database Selected when running from supervisor in a multi tenant environment using AWS SQS FIFO
#509 opened by MattWiseParking - 5
randomly receive Invalid catalog name: 1046 No database selected (Connection: mysql, SQL: insert into failed_jobs (uuid, connection, queue, payload, exception, failed_at) on queue sqs
#506 opened by MattWiseParking - 1
in_array(): Argument #2 ($haystack) must be of type array, null given {"exception":"[object] (TypeError(code: 0): in_array(): Argument #2 ($haystack) must be of type array, null given at /spatie/laravel-multitenancy/src/Actions/MakeQueueTenantAwareAction.php:79)
#512 opened by brada1703 - 3
Update documentation at to `v3`
#510 opened by josecl - 6
- 2
Model ignore tenant when add Observer
#479 opened by mraheelkhan - 2
When dispatching a Tenant Aware Job in sync mode from a test, any prior/current DB transaction is cleared
#476 opened by peterabarry - 0
- 1
Conflict with Rabbitmq package from vyuldashev
#488 opened by rayan2014 - 3
Prefixing cache doesn't work fine with file-store
#484 opened by kienngd - 1
Tenant password reset token is being stored on landlord password_reset_tokens table
#483 opened by pratikkuikel - 17
Queue Job Batching
#446 opened by moisish - 6
- 10
Current tenant model not refreshed in container before each job (stale model properties)
#422 opened by ionutantohi - 3
SQL error when trying to use landlord database
#451 opened by esglobal - 4
Queue driver 'sync' generates "Call to a member function prepare() on null"
#444 opened by libero-developer - 5
Applying new sender sending mail on queue
#425 opened by alextime - 5
Can't force CommentNotificationSubscription class to use Tenant connection when using Multitenancy?
#428 opened by dambridge - 6
Eloquent ignores databases when combining tenant and landlord tables in a relationship
#429 opened by everydaysoftware - 1
Tenant Not Set (Vapor + Octane)
#466 opened by Carlwirkus - 0
How can I access all tenant data at once?
#460 opened by monish-khatri - 1
Support for custom primary key on Tenant model
#457 opened by yitznewton - 1
Tenant finder not running in tests
#445 opened by inmanturbo - 6
- 2
The "--path" option does not exist.
#423 opened by MostafaDev12 - 1
- 1
Laravel 10.x support
#431 opened by Rasmus-Bertell - 1
Providers are registrated/called multiple times
#418 opened by francoism90 - 0
Auth facade not working
#421 opened by infinitetrinity