
New features.

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I like your server monitor, thanks for it. But in my projects I had to change some behavior.
And now I want to propose you some features. It will be a list and if you approve some of them I'll create pull requests with this.


  1. Add force mode to run checks right now. Example:
php artisan server-monitor:run-checks -f 
php artisan server-monitor:run-checks --force
  1. Add host option to run checks only for host(s). It can be array, like:
php artisan server-monitor:run-checks -f
  1. Add check option to tun only selected checks. It also can be array, like:
php artisan server-monitor:run-checks -f --check=mysql --check=diskspace

Also host/check optins can be comma separated, like

php artisan server:monitor:run-checks -f, --check=mysql,diskspace

but I like first one more.


  1. Allow to use different file formats, like yaml.
  2. Allow to set custom properties to check in files. Example:
   "name": "",
   "checks": [
          "redis": {
              "collect_used_memory": true

server-monitor:list-hosts and server-monitor:list-checks

  1. Change host and check option to array. Example:
php artisan server-monitor:list-checks
  1. Add grep option to search something in result set.
    Why not use pipe grep ?
php artisan server-monitor:list-checks | grep something

will grep only rows with something, not table structure, not flag, that checks was succeed or failed.

But example

php artisan server-monitor:list-checks --grep=something

will draw tables as always, but filter each column via str_contains() for example.

Host options

One virtual host can be in many ip servers, and also can have a lot of mirrors. So I propose to:

  1. Add possibility to set ip as array and execute check in all IP addresses. Also it can be added additional option to run-checks/list-check/list-host like ip to filter via ip too . Example:
      "name": "",
      "ip": ["", ""]
  1. Add new option as mirror. It's like alias. And when you search checks for special host you can set mirror and it will find correct host. Example:
      "name": "",
      "mirrors": ["", "localhost"]

And when you want to see checks you can call

php artisan server-monitor:list-checks


php artisan server:monitor:list-checks --host=localhost

The result will be the same.

Default checks.

  1. Add addition outbox checks for rabbitmq/redis/supervisor/mongo etc.


  1. Add contracts for repositories and remove static methods. And inject interfaces to the commands.
class SyncFile extends Command

  public function handle(CheckRepository $checkRepository)

Or alternatively add CheckRepositoryAware and HostRepositoryAware interfaces and doing something like:

// ServerProvider

public function register()
   $this->app->afterResolving(CheckRepositoryAware::class, function(CheckRepositoryAware $aware) {
class SyncFile extends Command implements CheckRepositoryAware
   use HasCheckRepository;

What of them will you review ?

Hi! Thank you for your proposals!


send fully tested PRs for this. Also send a PR to our documentation repo with examples of the new functionality.


I don't need other file formats, and I don't want to maintain code that I won't use. Do this in your own projects

Change host and check option to array. Example:

Send a separate PR for this.

Add grep option

I don't think this is needed.

Host options

I'd like to keep this package simple, so I'm going to hold off for now

Default checks.

I don't understand what you are proposing


I don't see any benefits in doing this.

@freekmurze , thanks for your answer.

I don't need other file formats, and I don't want to maintain code that I won't use. Do this in your own projects

Can I create PR with moving getting hostsInFile to another method? no in handle(). In such way command will be more extensible. I can extend and rewrite only one method to get contents from another sources.

And does your comment touch custom properties for checks in file too?

Default checks.
I don't understand what you are proposing

I propose to integrate more checks out of the box. Checks for redis, checks for mongo, for supervisor/rabbitmq etc, like as mysql which is already in the package.

Can I create PR with moving getting hostsInFile to another method?


I propose to integrate more checks out of the box.

I don't want to maintain those. But those checks in a package of your own.