- 1
Problème de récupération du last_run_output
#130 opened by AxelSalim - 0
laravel server monitor return General Error and last_run_message return Exception occurred: Pattern `/(\d?\d)%/` with subject `` didn't capture a group named 1
#128 opened by johannesmadja - 1
PHP 8.x compatibility
#127 opened by markuskoehler - 0
- 3
- 0
- 1
- 6
Failed run checks
#67 opened by gizburdt - 3
Laravel Scheduler
#92 opened by dqfan2012 - 3
localhost support
#56 opened by dracoirs - 3
Run locally
#79 opened by futzlarson - 2
Error Driver [slack] not supported
#96 opened by SylvanoTombo - 1
Incompatibility with PHP8, Laravel 8 or Composer 2?
#113 opened by gwrit - 3
Running Locally
#108 opened by sicaboy - 2
In my case it fails to connect to host?
#111 opened by bilalswiftsolutions - 1
Laravel 5.8
#107 opened by defmost - 1
Failed to run: Could not create directory '/var/www/.ssh'. Host key verification failed.
#97 opened by yehudahkay - 0
Next run in minutes hardcoded
#102 opened by diegosouza - 1
Any plan to add support for Laravel 6.0?
#101 opened by daveatpeta - 2
Issue with Writing own checks
#100 opened by yogeshkoli - 2
How to monitor ram
#83 opened by Cholowao - 3
Error on migration
#63 opened by iainhamilton - 2
Memcached check not working out of the box?
#84 opened by eduardocruz - 1
SQL server performance monitoring
#82 opened by ronlinet - 1
Nova Tool
#80 opened by paras-malhotra - 1
- 3
Failed to run run-checks
#75 opened by LukaszNiziolDWG - 1
- 1
Force checks to run every minute
#71 opened by estrellar - 1
ssh passwords
#70 opened by pikkuhanuristi - 2
Cannot use restricted shells
#68 opened by Muffinman - 3
New features.
#66 opened by ed-fruty - 3
Migration error (Mariadb issue?)
#26 opened by sheldonkotyk - 0
Laravel 5.6
#60 opened by fridzema - 1
Make http ping check
#59 opened by marcteyssier - 1
MySQL issue during migration
#58 opened by jan-obtam - 2
- 1
#55 opened by kikoseijo - 2
Multiple email recipients
#52 opened by Remo - 4
Question : run monitor locally
#48 opened by amaelftah - 2
- 1
Force run-checks
#41 opened by cino - 3
Custom Database Table Names
#36 opened by apbassi89 - 2
Usage Question: Dynamic Notificiation Email
#33 opened by matt-croft - 1
[Feature request] Using ssh private keys
#34 opened by morloderex - 1
Elasticsearch Error
#29 opened by bbashy - 3
- 2
Requires PHP 7.1?
#27 opened by KuenzelIT - 1
Php version?
#25 opened by rickjm540 - 1
Unused migration imports
#23 opened by sebastiaanluca