- 1
Saving a property of an object
#25 opened by muhzak - 1
Using mixin globally
#24 opened by lucianobosco - 2
Local Storage cache key is `undefined`
#7 opened by radarseven - 1
New release
#23 opened by mbardelmeijer - 1
Save to session storage
#21 opened by sgilja - 2
Type declarations
#20 opened by thoni56 - 1
Nuxt.js compatibility
#18 opened by tkrause - 1
- 0
after inject to my project
#17 opened by Xsaven - 3
Is there a way to bust the local cache ?
#13 opened by MisterBrownRSA - 1
Export localstorage
#12 opened by MisterBrownRSA - 1
Failing to transform the state on load
#15 opened by fjrial - 0
Issue storing data
#11 opened by jringeisen - 0
Add clearSavedState method
#3 opened by sebastiandedeyne