
Calculating Car parking time at a parking spot using YOLOv3 and SIFT

Primary LanguagePython


Calculating Car parking time at a parking spot using YOLOv3 and SIFT

  • This application calculates the parking time of a car in a particular parking spot using YOLOv3. Just enter the website containing .ts video files in the extractor.py, and run the analyze_cars.py script as shown below and you get the output parking times of the cars in the particular time range.

  • Please download YOLOv3 weights from this link and place it in yolo_coco folder, as it is required for car detection.

  • Instructions regarding Dependencies

Requirements: Python 3.7 and OpenCV 3.4.2 or 3.4.3 with Contrib

For Mac OS

I have used Mac OS as my environment to do this assignment and I'll list the easiest way to download the above requirements

  • We need Command Line Tools for XCode installed from the App Store for the below

  • Download Homebrew by running the below in the Terminal

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"

  • Install Python 3.7 (if not already installed) with the following command in Terminal

brew install python

  • Install numpy (if not already installed) with the following command in Terminal

brew install numpy

  • Install OpenCV 3.4.3 (with Contrib) with the following command in Terminal

brew install opencv


  1. Contrib is required as I have used SIFT and all patented algorithms are present in OpenCV's Contrib

Once the above is installed, we are good to go!

  • Instructions to run the code

  • analyze-cars.py : Runs the python script that is used to analyze cars parked at the particular spot

  • Run the following in the terminal accordingly

  • Input the start and end time range as follows

Example 1:

python3 analyze-cars.py 1538076003 1538078234

sample o/p:

Beginning files Download...


. . . .

Downloading and Extracting images complete!

Analyzing from 1538076003 to 1538078234 using YOLO3

Found Car at 1538076227 parked until 1538077866 for 28 minutes

... Wrote ../output/1538076227-28min.jpg

Found Car at 1538077954 parked until 1538078194 for 4 minutes

... Wrote ../output/1538077954-4min.jpg

No More Cars Found!