'eventsbook' is a full stack app - this repository contains its backend source code while the frontend source code is stored in another GitHub repository here »

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Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Built With
  3. Acknowledgments

About The Project

  1. This app is a social media platform where users can:
  • log in/create an account,
  • upload photos/create posts (about upcoming social events),
  • add likes,
  • add comments,
  • tag their event's location on the Google map ,
  • change their passwords.

Product Name Screen Shot

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Built With

  • React
  • Node.js, Express.js, Mongoose
  • MongoBD for a database
  • Cloudinary API for stroing photos
  • Google Maps Platform API for events locations
  • SendGrid API for password change
  • Multer middleware library for uploading photos
  • bcrypt library for hashing passwords
  • jsonwebtoken for creating login token
  • Firebase for deploying the frontend
  • Heroku for deploying the backend

This is the backend source code of a MERN app called 'eventsbook' intended as social media platform, deployed on Heroku. This backend server is built with Node.js, Express.js, Mongoose Schemas for 'elegant MongoDB object modelling' and MongoDB for a database. It is using Google Map Platform APIs for the 'location' functionality, Amazon AWS services API for permanently storing uploaded photos, SendGrid APIs for a notification email sent to a user upon successfull account creation/changing password. All API keys are stored in enviromental variables.

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  • this project was completed at the end of the Udemy course The MERN Guide

  • all users' accounts and all events have been created with the usage of free-to-use photos from www.pexels.com

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