
predict if person follows you back after u subscribed to him

Primary LanguagePython

HW6: Twitter followback prediction


Required soft:

  • python 2.7
  • Networkx 1.11
  • Sklearn 0.18.1

How to run:

Considering, all libs are installed: python dbscan.py time - around 3min


So, since you know the input data format, we will come down to features:

  • Feat1: how many times id1 @ id2
  • Feat2: how many times id2 @ id1
  • Feat3: how many friends of a friends id1 has
  • Feat4: how many common friends id1 and id2 have

Comment to feat 3: we counted how many friends of id1's friends follow id2. Usually, similar kind of recommendation algorithm is used in russian social network for advising interesting friend profiles.


We used standard nested lists to store data. We also used networkx to calculate common friends and friends of friends.

While we were tuning the prediction algos, we tried two classifiers:

  • Logistic regression
  • Random forest classifier

The first one showed worse results, compared to Random forest. We started learning from one feature and when we added 3 more, the results improved in 15% from the original results.

Logistic regression showed bad results, due to overfitting in test set(recall is 99%).


Overal, best derived results(Random Forest):

  • Precision - 0.7652
  • Recall - 0.6945
  • F1 - 0.7281

results file are enclosed in git and on server in final.txt

P.S. Did you use friends of friends feature in your followback prediciton?