Collaborative pixelboard

This project is our small experiment on learning Erlang during Spawnfest 2012 contest.

At first we wished to write massive multiplayer online... minesweeper (MMOs are trendy nowadays). But we managed only to make a multi-user pixelboard. You can play with it at (we'll need some time to deploy it, please be patient). Or just grab it here, compile with rebar and run ./

Things we learned in these 2 days:

  • Erlang syntax.
  • OTP fundamentals (applications, supervisers).
  • Rebar.
  • Cowboy webserver (static content and websockets).
  • gproc.
  • jsx.

Hmm.. not bad for a couple of days.


  • Transfer current board state to new users.
  • Learn more erlang. Much more.

Thanks to Spawnfest crew for the contest, MononcQc for his awesome book and people on freenode for a joyful weekend.