A Realtime Database-As-A-Service with REST style resource location and Time Traveling Feature support.
See it live @ https://exile-web.gigalixirapp.com
An extremely simple to use NoSQL store which follows REST-like resource locators known as paths to locate records and define relations between data.
Run Tests
mix tests
Run Dialyzer
mix dialyzer
Generate and View Docs
mix docs && open doc/index.html
Run App Locally
mix do deps.get, compile
(cd apps/exile_web/assets && npm install)
iex -S mix phx.server
open http://localhost:4000
🎉 You will be presented with an interact REPL to play with the RT Database via JS API!
🎉 You can also interact directly with the store using the Exile Elixir API
Directly via the IEX session. See Docs: doc/Exile.html#content
- Goto https://exile-web.gigalixirapp.com/ (or run locally)
- Copy the URL (which contains the sandbox token) into another browser window
- Click
which will listen for changes on the "posts" domain path - Create posts in the other window
- See the Magic ✨ as the changes are relayed to all subscribers
An example scenario:
Using Exile to create a blog completely in client JS,
submit and edit posts and have them visible to all sessions,
and have comments
instantly appear in a live fashion in all sessions,
Create Records
Exile.post("posts", {author: "holsee", title: "Hello World", body: "...", comments: []})
#=> {:ok, "614e1637-5af1-4bd4-8432-e5ccd3b5cd90"}
exile.post('posts', {author: 'holsee', title: 'Hello World', body: '...', comments: []})
reference: 'posts',
result: 'ok',
value: '04c7fecd-9e3f-408d-8799-fef8d120d93c'
Create a nested Record
elixir: create a comment on a post
Exile.post("posts/#{post_id}/comments", %{author: "evadne", body: "nice!"})
{:ok, "cd3c2478-cc50-4010-b54c-7e6e2f534695"}
javascript: create a comment on a post
exile.post(`posts/${post_id}/comments`, {author: 'evadne', body: 'nice!'})
reference: 'posts/04c7fecd-9e3f-408d-8799-fef8d120d93c/comments',
result: 'ok',
value: 'a7cc9516-59d0-4095-970d-25eeb7d0b5be'
🔥 Using REST style locator paths you are able to dig into resources which have been dynamically created! 🔥
elixir: get all posts
# =>
id: "88d903d4-4b7e-4735-926d-a54bce4b94cf",
ts: 1569186483608933000,
value: %{
"author" => "holsee",
"comments" => [
id: "cd3c2478-cc50-4010-b54c-7e6e2f534695",
ts: 1569186483608929000,
value: %{"author" => "bran", "body" => "Lorem ipsum"}
"tags" => ["bill", "ted", "rufus"]
elixir: get a specific comment
{:ok, %{"author" => "bran", "body" => "Lorem ipsum"}}
elixir: get a specific comment author
{:ok, "bran"}
javascript: get all posts
reference: 'posts',
result: 'ok',
value: [
id: '4874b3dd-6f67-48dd-8b3f-182ead6362a6',
ts: 1569186089957471700,
value: {
author: 'holsee',
body: '...',
comments: [
id: '6748759c-896b-4e5b-93e9-3f49fa4d06cd',
ts: 1569186089957465000,
value: {
author: 'evadne',
body: 'nice!'
title: 'Hello World'
javascript: get all comments on a post
reference: 'posts/4874b3dd-6f67-48dd-8b3f-182ead6362a6/comments',
result: 'ok',
value: [
id: '6748759c-896b-4e5b-93e9-3f49fa4d06cd',
ts: 1569186089957465000,
value: {
author: 'evadne',
body: 'nice!'
Unlike POST operations which create new records, PUT allows you to update values at a locator path.
elixir: update post body
Exile.put("posts/#{post_id}/body", "new body!")
# => :ok
# =>
{:ok, "new body!"}
You can also delete values at the path:
elixir: delete all posts
# =>
javascript: delete all posts
elixir: subscribe to posts, get update event
subscriber_address = self()
Exile.subscribe("posts", subscriber_address)
#when post is created or updated receive event:
{:update, "posts/e5373a79-8b76-464f-b72a-8182a1ed6230/body",
{"e5373a79-8b76-464f-b72a-8182a1ed6230", 1569187403304193274,
"author" => "holsee",
"body" => "new body!",
"comments" => [
id: "787b20f6-643f-454d-9a87-f9fd985b4458",
ts: 1569186933359652898,
value: %{"author" => "bran", "body" => "Lorem ipsum"}
"tags" => ["bill", "ted", "rufus"]
javascript: subscribe to posts, get new item event
result: 'ok'
# when post is created receive event
event_type: 'new',
path: '37469d37-21f9-4ea5-b2a9-ebe136d8c3cc:posts',
record: {
id: 'd9f0db63-2f3d-422d-b9d7-bccc549d3e65',
timestamp: 1569187287039046000,
value: {
comments: [],
title: 'Hello World'
At a storage level records are immutable and every change results in a new version. By default the latest version is returned.
There is no public API support for this (ironically we ran out of time 🥁🤣) but as we have the foundations in place as detailed, we envision an API like the following being completely possible:
get last 10 revisions of a post:
exile.get('posts/${post_id}', {last: 10})
get versions between timestamps:
exile.get('posts/${post_id}', {from: 1569186663, to: 1569187763})