
Deploy Angular apps to Azure using the Angular CLI

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Deploy Angular apps to Azure using the Angular CLI

This Angular schematic helps you deploy your Angular app to Azure Static Hosting. With Azure's Blob storage, deploying and hosting a static website is simple and cost-efficient.

Learn more about Azure Static Hosting in the blog post announcing Static websites on Azure Storage.



ng add @azure/ng-deploy 
ng run <project-name>:deploy

The longer version

To get started, you need:

The schematic runs from within an Angular project. Enter the project's directory. Follow these steps to add ng deploy azure to your project, configure it, and deploy your app.

Step 1 - Angular CLI version 8 and above

Run ng --version, make sure you have angular CLI version v8.0.0-beta.18 or greater. If needed, update the CLI following the instructions. As long as version 8 is in RC, use @next instead of @latest:

npm install -g @angular/cli@next

Update your project using the command:

ng update @angular/cli @angular/core --next=true

Make sure TypeScript is version 3.4.5 or greater.

Step 2 - add and configure @azure/ng-deploy

Add @azure/ng-deploy to your project by running:

ng add @azure/ng-deploy

This command will install the package to your project.

Once done, it will prompt you to sign in to Azure, providing a link to open in your browser and a code to paste in the login page.

After you sign in, it will create the needed resources in your Azure account (resource group and storage account) and configure them for static hosting. To manually configure the resources that will be used, refer to [additional options](#additional options).

Note: If you have several Azure subscriptions you will be asked to choose one.

The command will create the file azure.json with the deployment configuration and modify angular.json with the deploy commands.

Note: at the moment, the command will fail if an azure.json file already exists. Please remove the file before running the command.

Step 3 - deploy

Deploy your application to the selected storage account by running:

ng run <project-name>:deploy

If the build target (dist/<project-name> folder) is empty, the project will be built with the production option (similar to running ng build --prod).

You may be asked to sign in to Azure again. Then, the project will be deployed to the storage account specified in azure.json. The link to the deployed app will be presented.

Logging out from Azure

To clear the cached credentials run:

ng run <project-name>:logout

This command is available only after signing in to Azure.


This project collects usage data and sends it to Microsoft to help improve our products and services. Read Microsoft's privacy statement to learn more.

To turn off telemetry, add the telemetry flag (--telemetry or -t) with the false value when running ng add, like this:

ng add ng-deploy-azure --telemetry=false


ng add ng-deploy-azure -t=false

Additional options

Manual configurations

To manually select and/or create the resources needed for deployment, use the --manual (or -m) option:

ng add @azure/ng-deploy --manual

You will be prompted to select or create the resource group and the storage account in which the app will be deployed. If you choose to create a resource group you will be asked to select the geographical location.

Passing configuration options

You can pass the names of the resources you'd like to use when running the command. Resources that don't already exist will be created. If using --manual you will be prompted to select the remaining configuration options. Otherwise, defaults will be used.

The available options are:

  • --subscriptionId (-i) - subscription ID under which to select and/or create new resources
  • --subscriptionName (-n) - subscription name under which to select and/or create new resources
  • --resourceGroup (-g) - name of the Azure Resource Group to deploy to
  • --account (-a) - name of the Azure Storage Account to deploy to
  • --location (-l) - location where to create storage account e.g. "West US" or westus
  • --telemetry (-t) - see Data/Telemetry


ng add @azure/ng-deploy -m -l="East US" -a=myangularapp

Name validation

When creating a new storage account, the provided name will be validated. The requirements are:

  • between 3 and 24 characters
  • lower case letters and numbers only
  • unique across Azure

If the validation fails, the tool will suggest a valid name. You will be able to select it or try another one.

Local development

Please refer to CONTRIBUTING for CLA guidance.

First, clone the project. Install the dependencies:

npm install

Build the project with watch:

npm start

-- or without watch:

npm run build

Create a local npm link:

npm link

Adding to an Angular project - ng add

The schematic runs from within an Angular project. Enter the project's directory.

Follow the instructions for checking and updating the Angular CLI version.

Make sure TypeScript is version 3.4.5 or greater.

To add the local version of @azure/ng-deploy, link ng-deploy-azure:

npm link ng-deploy-azure

Then, instead of running ng add @azure/ng-deploy, add the local version:

ng add ng-deploy-azure

The configuration options and the other commands (deploy, logout) are the same as in production:

ng run <project-name>:deploy


Testing is done with Jest. To run the tests:

npm run test:jest

Reporting Security Issues

Security issues and bugs should be reported privately, via email, to the Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC) at secure@microsoft.com. You should receive a response within 24 hours. If for some reason you do not, please follow up via email to ensure we received your original message. Further information, including the MSRC PGP key, can be found in the Security TechCenter.

We'd like to thank...

  • Minko Gechev for guiding us through the new Angular CLI Architect API, which enables adding commands.

  • Brian Holt for creating azez, which provided us an (az)easy start.

  • John Papa for guiding through and supporting the development, publish and release.