
Primary LanguagePostScriptCreative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-SA-4.0

Benji's Slide Decks

Live demo

See the generated presentations on my GitLab Pages.


You do not need anything special in order to generate the slide decks using GitLab CI.

If you want to convert the markdown files to HTML locally, then you need

  • git
  • make
  • pandoc

Quick Start

git clone --recurse-submodules git@gitlab.com:benjifisher/slide-decks.git
cd slide-decks

This will create html/example.html from the markdown source markdown/example.md.

If you see unstyled HTML when viewing the files, the problem might be incompatible versions of pandoc and reveal.js. The GitLab CI installs an old version of pandoc, so this project pins reveal.js to an old version (3.9.1). Check your local version of pandoc: pandoc --version. If it is 2.10 or newer, then install a newer version of reveal.js:

make clean
git -C reveal.js checkout 4.3.1

See Issue 13 in this project.

Make targets

You can also make FILE.html when markdown/FILE.md is any available source file. The output will be created in the html/ directory.

The command make build will create HTML files in the html/ directory for all sources markdown/*.md.

Remove all generated files with make clean.

Version of Reveal.js

This repository includes Isovera'a fork of reveal.js as a git submodule. You may prefer to start with the original. If you do, then you will have to adjust the theme reference in the existing presentations.

Creative Commons License
Benji's Slide Decks by Benji Fisher is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.