This goal of this project is to easily spin up an Amazon Web Services (AWS) IAM roles and policies (IAM) using Terraform. IAM resources are based on NIST to satisfy NIST, fedRAMP and SRG standards.
- Download and unzip terraform to C:\terraform
- Add C:\terraform to PATH variable in system settings
- Verify 'terraform -v' in powershell window
- Create S3 bucket and folder to store the Terraform state (.tfstate)
- Install Visual studio code
- Install terraform highlighter (
- VS Code -> Preferences -> Settings and add below snippet to support .tpl files
{ "files.associations": { "*.tpl": "json", "*.master": "html" } }
Terraform records information about what infrastructure it created in a Terraform state file. By default, when you run Terraform in the folder /main/, Terraform creates the file /main/terraform.tfstate. This file contains a custom JSON format that records a mapping from the Terraform resources in your templates to the representation of those resources in the real world. Any discrepancies in the .tfstate file will break the infrastructure. Especially in real life, multi-member projects if two members are working on the same repo, unless the same .tfstate file is used, deployment will be inconsistent.
To resolve this issue, its recommended to store the state config in S3. All the project members need to run the below snippet to configure terraform to use the remote .tfstate file. Also encrypt the tfstate file to secure the any confidential info.
terraform remote config -backend=s3 -backend-config="bucket=terraform-state-prod" -backend-config="key=network/terraform.tfstate" -backend-config="region=us-east-1" -backend-config="access_key=AKIAJF---" -backend-config="secret_key=C1S5z2IL7rO2jG---" -backend-config="encrypt=1"
When you first start using Terraform, you may be tempted to define all of your infrastructure in a single Terraform file or a set of Terraform files in one folder and change the variables for each environment. The problem with this approach is that all of your Terraform state is now stored in a single file for all the envionments and a mistake anywhere could break everything. For example, while trying to deploy a new version of your app in qa, you might break the app in prod.
To mitigate this issue, wrap all the common code using modules functions in terraform, create a folder for each enviornment say Prod, Dev etc and run the
terraform remote config
on each folder.init.ps1
is created for this purpose. This ensures tf state files are isolated for each environment.
- Environment (dev)
- init.ps1 -> Script to set remote state
- -> Main
- -> Store environment specific variables
- Modules
- Module 1 (IAM)
- CreateBaselineIAMRoles -> main
- -> mod variables helper.
- -> template loader
- xxxPolicy.tpl -> Policy templates (JSON)
- Module 1 (IAM)
- Clone this repo
- Update and run init.ps1 on each environment with required bucket values
- Update env\ on each environment with required env variables
cd \dev\
terraform get
(To add the required modules from plan
(more details below)terraform apply
terraform destroy
The plan phase takes your Terraform configuration and attempts to provide you with a plan of what it would do if you applied it. It outputs an execution plan to terraform.tfplan
file (not human-readable).
terraform plan
terraform plan -out terraform.tfplan (optional)
The apply phase simply takes the Terraform execution plan and attempts to execute it.
terraform apply
The destroy phase happens in two steps. First, Terraform generates a destroy execution plan, and then applies it. It outputs an execution plan to stdout
along a new terraform.tfplan
file. After that, it attempts to apply the destroy execution plan.
terraform destroy
Note: The destroy
step usually has to be run more than once because of an issue with deleting the Elastic IP (EIP) before it is unbound from the NAT instance. Run terraform destroy
again after the failure to complete the destroy phase.
Build modules for other standard AWS resources.
- Security groups
- Subnets
- Route tables
- Gateways
- Buckets
- Bucket policies
- Web Server