SeBS: serverless benchmarking suite for automatic performance analysis of FaaS platforms.
- 5
AWS 500 Internal Server Error on 110.dynamic-html
#221 opened by OutisNoMore - 0
Merge existing workflows implementation into master
#216 opened by mcopik - 0
Resource-specific permissions for functions
#215 opened by mcopik - 7
- 2
- 25
Supporting Google Cloud Function V2
#158 opened by nervermore2 - 0
Cleaning up inactive resources
#209 opened by mcopik - 2
Python3.7 runtime not supported in AWS Lambda while creating the function
#189 opened by prajinkhadka - 4
Updating support for benchmark language versions
#196 opened by mcopik - 0
Support AWS functions using Amazon Linux 2023
#208 opened by mcopik - 0
Support AWS SDK v3 for Nodejs
#207 opened by mcopik - 0
- 0
Supporting storage types on open-source platforms
#202 opened by mcopik - 11
- 1
Support single bucket for experiments
#185 opened by mcopik - 2
Test single bucket design
#195 opened by mcopik - 2
Deployment {name} not supported!
#187 opened by im-rikesh - 1
Error Running Benchmarks ( 020.network-benchmark , 030.clock-synchronization )
#191 opened by prajinkhadka - 3
Errors running basic setup commands
#188 opened by MinhThieu145 - 4
Azure credential creation script doesn't work
#176 opened by nurSaadat - 7
New benchmarks and applications
#140 opened by mcopik - 2
Azure supports only Python 3.7
#177 opened by nurSaadat - 2
Better Documentation on Compilation documentation for the tools being used
#179 opened by nervermore2 - 4
Documentation for outputted results
#180 opened by nurSaadat - 3
Regression tests are not passing for Azure
#178 opened by nurSaadat - 4
Error running Openwhisk experiment Perf-cost
#170 opened by jchigu - 1
'Visualisation' typo in documentation
#174 opened by nurSaadat - 1
ERROR:root: Running perf-cost experiment on Openwhisk
#172 opened by jchigu - 2
Openwhisk regression test : Succesfully executed 0 out of 0 functions
#147 opened by HelloWorldGitHubUser - 7
Unknown subprocess.CalledProcessError
#146 opened by HelloWorldGitHubUser - 6
"Faulty" benchmarks on OpenWhisk
#138 opened by alevy - 9
Automating update of Memory size configuration in AWS console as Perf-cost experiments move from 128mb to 256mb etc
#164 opened by jchigu - 1
Succesfully executed 0 out of 0 functions - openwhisk
#171 opened by jchigu - 3
"Permission \'cloudfunctions.functions.create\' denied on resource \'projects/serverless-benchmarks/locations/us-east1/functions/function-120_uploader_python_3_7\' (or resource may not exist
#152 opened by jchigu - 2
- 2
- 1
Support Python 3.8 and 3.9 on GCP
#168 opened by mcopik - 1
Support Node.js 16
#167 opened by mcopik - 5
Error while running 120.upload
#162 opened by nervermore2 - 3
Unable to run node js benchmarks
#161 opened by nervermore2 - 2
- 2
- 5
Faced error while running ./install.py
#157 opened by nervermore2 - 10
configuring example.json for benchmarking on GCP
#154 opened by mariechu3 - 1
googleapiclient.errors.HttpError: <HttpError 403 when requesting https://cloudfunctions.googleapis.com/v1/projects/serverless-benchmarks/locations/europe-west1/functions/function-120_uploader_python_3_7?alt=json returned "Permission 'cloudfunctions.functions.get' denied on resource 'projects/serverless-benchmarks/locations/europe-west1/functions/function-120_uploader_python_3_7' (or resource may not exist).">
#153 opened by jchigu - 4
- 1
- 1
GCP error : ERROR:root:('Connection aborted.', timeout('The write operation timed out'))
#151 opened by jchigu - 1
- 1