
Code from https://cacm.acm.org/magazines/2012/1/144809-creating-languages-in-racket/fulltext

Primary LanguageRacketApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Creating Languages in Racket

This repository contains the code for Creating Languages in Racket by Matthew Flatt

Note, there is another copy of this article's code on GitHub, along with a Chinese translation of the paper: https://github.com/ice051/CLR

To see the evolution of this article's code with your favourite difftool, you can use the following commands:

difftool 0-longhand/ 1-monolith/
difftool 1-monolith/txtadv+world.rkt 2-modules/txtadv.rkt
difftool 1-monolith/txtadv+world.rkt 2-modules/world.rkt
difftool 2-modules/ 3-module-lang/
difftool 3-module-lang/ 4-type/
difftool 4-type/ 5-lang/
difftool 5-lang/ 6-color/
difftool 5-lang/txtadv-reader.rkt 6-color/lang/reader.rkt

To ease directories comparison you can remove compiled directories with a Bash command:

find . -type d -name compiled | xargs rm -r

... be careful with rm command, though.