- 0
Feature Request: read SBOM from stdin
#172 opened by kzantow - 7
How to convert from SPDX 2 to SPDX 3
#170 opened by vargenau - 1
- 3
- 1
- 1
Can not add relationshps to an ExternalSpdxElement
#162 opened by vargenau - 5
Error validating SPDX file
#143 opened by vargenau - 1
- 1
how to remove this SLF4J warning
#160 opened by fu7mu4 - 0
SPDX file with invalid documentNamespace value is flagged as valid by tools-java
#159 opened by vargenau - 10
Warning "No SLF4J providers were found"
#153 opened by vargenau - 1
- 0
#156 opened by PamelaJean0405 - 1
Add option to convert between SPDX Spec versions
#146 opened by goneall - 10
- 1
- 2
- 8
How can i refer 2 spdxs in third spdx file and access all the packages information from 3rd spdx file
#131 opened by rakeshsrinivasa - 4
Does the tool support to generate SPDX file ?
#141 opened by perifitdevs - 0
- 4
Validation issue
#136 opened by armintaenzertng - 0
Update POM file to use release plugin
#138 opened by goneall - 2
how to get SPDXpackages form spdxDocument
#137 opened by lunbin - 2
Validation issue with undefined LicenseRefs
#135 opened by armintaenzertng - 0
Reduce duplicate verification errors
#134 opened by goneall - 3
Blank version string validates
#133 opened by rnjudge - 3
Licenses and internet access
#132 opened by dstutz - 7
Docker image github action failing
#128 opened by goneall - 6
Tag Vaule parser fails to parse `LicenseInfoInFile`
#105 opened by maxhbr - 4
CompareDocs error
#117 opened by armintaenzertng - 3
- 0
Release 1.1.6
#120 opened by goneall - 1
SPDXViewer error
#116 opened by armintaenzertng - 0
API to get version information
#112 opened by HirumalPriyashan - 1
- 4
LicenseRef Validation Issues?
#106 opened by sgeary01 - 11
Significant performance degradation between 1.0.3 and 1.1.3 to Verify and Convert large SPDX TAG value file
#100 opened by hliu168 - 18
YAML files not verified?
#93 opened by stephenkilbaneadi - 1
Version output error?
#94 opened by pjsnps - 1
Extraneous error message when using RDF files
#90 opened by goneall - 3
RDF Turtle format generates error
#88 opened by zvr - 0
- 4
- 5
Valid JSON document reported as invalid because exception text cannot be found
#73 opened by pombredanne - 3
- 1
Compare tool removes common part of filename
#67 opened by nicoweidner - 4
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