Live Objects on Spec for the Lens Protocol.
A Collect NFT on the Lens Protocol. [spec]
interface Collect {
profileId: number
pubId: number
collectNftId: number
collectorAddress: Address
createdAt: Timestamp
blockHash: BlockHash
blockNumber: BlockNumber
blockTimestamp: Timestamp
chainId: ChainId
- Unique By:
(profileId, pubId, collectNftId, chainId)
- Chains: 137
- Affected By:
A Comment on the Lens Protocol. [spec]
interface Comment {
profileId: number
pubId: number
toProfileId: number
toPubId: number
contentUri: string
collectModule: Address
collectModuleReturnData: string
referenceModule: Address
referenceModuleData: string
referenceModuleReturnData: string
blockHash: BlockHash
blockNumber: BlockNumber
blockTimestamp: Timestamp
chainId: ChainId
- Unique By:
(profileId, pubId, chainId)
- Chains: 137
- Affected By:
A Follow NFT on the Lens Protocol. [spec]
interface Follow {
profileId: number
followNftId: number
followerAddress: Address
createdAt: Timestamp
blockHash: BlockHash
blockNumber: BlockNumber
blockTimestamp: Timestamp
chainId: ChainId
- Unique By:
(profileId, followNftId, chainId)
- Chains: 137
- Affected By:
A Mirror on the Lens Protocol. [spec]
interface Mirror {
profileId: number
pubId: number
toProfileId: number
toPubId: number
referenceModule: Address
referenceModuleData: string
referenceModuleReturnData: string
blockHash: BlockHash
blockNumber: BlockNumber
blockTimestamp: Timestamp
chainId: ChainId
- Unique By:
(profileId, pubId, chainId)
- Chains: 137
- Affected By:
A Post on the Lens Protocol. [spec]
interface Post {
profileId: number
pubId: number
contentUri: string
collectModule: Address
collectModuleReturnData: string
referenceModule: Address
referenceModuleReturnData: string
blockHash: BlockHash
blockNumber: BlockNumber
blockTimestamp: Timestamp
chainId: ChainId
- Unique By:
(profileId, pubId, chainId)
- Chains: 137
- Affected By:
A Profile NFT on the Lens Protocol. [spec]
interface Project {
profileId: number
ownerAddress: Address
creatorAddress: Address
dispatcherAddress: Address
handle: string
imageUri: string
followModuleAddress: Address
followModuleReturnData: string
followNftUri: string
isDefault: boolean
createdAt: Timestamp
blockHash: BlockHash
blockNumber: BlockNumber
blockTimestamp: Timestamp
chainId: ChainId
- Unique By:
(profileId, chainId)
- Chains: 137
- Affected By:
To test the live objects locally, first make sure the following requirements are met/installed.
- Node.js >= 16
- Deno >= 1.3 (+recommend the Deno/Denoland VSCode extension)
- Postgres >= 14
- Spec CLI
- Install the Spec CLI:
$ npm install -g
- Login to your account:
$ spec login
- Make sure one of your Spec projects has been set as the current one (Spec just needs to use one of your project's api keys when subscribing to input events during testing).
$ spec use project <org>/<name>
- Make sure your local postgres instance is running on localhost:5432
Testing all live objects in this folder should be as easy as running:
$ spec test objects .