
Universal master and slave TWI/I2C driver for Atmel AVR

Primary LanguageC++


Universal TWI/I2C driver for Atmel AVR. Supports blocking and non-blocking modes.



Adding to your project

Run the following command in your project's root directory

git submodule add https://github.com/specadmin/avr-twi lib/avr-twi

Include the header file

#include "lib/twi.h"


twi_init() or twi_init(struct twi_slave_config* config)

Initilize and configure TWI driver. Should be called before calling any other TWI functions. Could be called again to reconfigure slave, when needed.

  • config -- a pointer to a slave configuration structure. See twi.h and driver usage example for details. The TWI will not become slave, if this parameter is NULL or ommited.

BYTE twi_send(BYTE address, size_t size, BYTE* data, void (*callback)(BYTE result) = NULL)

Sends a packet via TWI as a master.

  • address -- a destination slave address or 0 for a broadcast packet;
  • data -- a pointer to data buffer;
  • size -- a numer of bytes to send from the given data buffer, should be less or equal to TWI_MASTER_BUFFER_SIZE (see Definitions for details);
  • callback -- a function pointer to callback (called when transmission completes).

The callback function should be void and accept only one argument:

  • result -- transmission result (error code), that could be one of the follows:

    • TWI_ERR_OK -- the transmission was successfull, whole the data were sent;
    • TWI_ERR_NOT_FOUND -- slave address not found;
    • TWI_ERR_REJECTED -- slave was unable to receive data;
    • TWI_ERR_ABORTED -- slave has aborted the reception;
    • TWI_ERR_UNKNOWN -- uknown error or bus state.

If callback is NULL or omitted, than twi_send() will proceed in a blocking mode -- it will NOT return until the whole data packet will be transmited or any error will happend.

In non-blocking mode twi_send() could returns one of the following call result (error code):

  • TWI_ERR_OK -- the call was accepted successfully, the transmission is being started;
  • TWI_ERR_BUSY -- the driver is busy by executing a previous twi_send() or twi_receive() call;
  • TWI_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER -- bad parameter specifiend in the function call.

In blocking mode twi_send() could returns one of the following call result (error code):

  • TWI_ERR_OK -- the transmission was successfull, whole the data were sent;
  • TWI_ERR_BUSY -- the driver is busy by executing a previous twi_send() or twi_receive() call;
  • TWI_ERR_BAD_PARAMETER -- bad parameter specifiend in the function call;
  • TWI_ERR_NOT_FOUND -- slave address not found;
  • TWI_ERR_REJECTED -- slave was unable to receive data;
  • TWI_ERR_ABORTED -- slave has aborted the reception;
  • TWI_ERR_UNKNOWN -- uknown error or bus state.

Please remember, that callback function should be as fast as possible. Since it is called in the interrupt routine and the TWI bus would NOT be freed until this function is being executed. A slow running function could cause data hold and data lost in your TWI network.


  • F_CPU -- CPU frequency, required
  • TWI_MASTER_FREQ -- TWI baudrate, when being a master. Defaults to 200 kbit/s, if left undefined.
  • TWI_MASTER_BUFFER_SIZE -- Maximum transmission buffer size, allocated in the RAM. Defaults to 32, if left undefined.