Arduino projects could be built with any IDE. This template allows you to create and configure an empty Arduino project in Code::Blocks IDE.
- Start Code:Blocks IDE and create a new project (File -> New -> Project).
- Select "Arduino project" template and follow the wizard's instructions.
- Select the target for your Arduino board.
- Build your project by the "Build" command.
- Upload your sketch into the board by the "Run" command.
- Code::Blocks IDE
- gcc-avr
- avr-libc
- avrdude
- miniterm
- Find Code::Blocks templates directory
cd /usr/share/codeblocks/templates/wizard
- Backup an existing Arduino template (if present)
sudo mv arduino arduino.bak
- Clone this repository
sudo git clone arduino
- Ensure the following line is present in config.script file in RegisterWizards() function:
RegisterWizard(wizProject, _T("arduino"), _T("Arduino Project"), _T("Embedded Systems"));
- Restart Code::Blocks IDE