
  1. Build images $ make build

  2. Launch Docker
    $ make up

  3. Install vendors and check everything is fine
    $ make install

  4. Load fixtures and launch tests
    $ make ci

    npm init -y npm install -D yarn typescript@4.1.3 eslint@7.18.0 esbuild -D = --save-dev -P = --save-prod

    npm install express --save npm install -D @types/express

    chokidar // file watcher node-ts // support ts dans node sans besoin de compiler en js

Init typescript

tsc --init

Init Configuration lint

./node_modules/.bin/eslint --init

Launch app

npm run-script start

Run a compile based on a backwards look through the fs for a tsconfig.json


Run transpilation with esbuild

npm run-script build