
an awesome modification of the OpenXcom game


X-COM: UFO Defense was such a perfect game. Twenty years ago, when I was a teen, I played this game so much and I loved it so hard. Even though a lot of people and companies tried to embody ideas of this game in their creations, the original plot of UFO Defense has never been improved. Today I am happy, because a group of people is reproducing the original plot and the original graphics of this game with great possibilities for mod makers. The name of this project is OpenXcom and fortunately it can be run on Linux. Despite the fact that OpenXcom is awesome I would like to introduce my collection of changes for this game plot and graphics.

Awesome Guns

This is an awesome modification of the OpenXcom game.
Current state: released
WEB: https://canadianbeaver.github.io/AwesomeGuns

Why am I doing it?

Original gameplay of X-COM: UFO Defense has a big problem in the middle and in the end of game. The game can make you feel bored. There are a steam of small UFOs, the monotonous and repetitive missions, the heavy plasma has no alternative... My suggestion to improve this situation is to make more efficient conventional weapons. Let the soldiers use different pistols, rifles, even grenade launchers and more different types of guns. Also, let the soldiers use different armours with different colours and possibilities. Moreover, let be more explosives in in the battles, more incendiary weapons and more smoke.

I observed a lot of mods for OpenXcom and found that there are two types of mods. Main ones are simple and perfect, but they do not combine together nicely. Another mods are like a dump of different mods that will never work. Unfortunately, a lot of mods were made for night game's release and do not work for the stable game's release.

I prefer the Debian. It is stable, it is simple and it is a minimum necessary. I would like to make a mod with the same ideas. It should be stable, it should work for the stable game release, it should be simple and it should make only necessary changes.

If you have the same preferences, I would like to invite you to create it together.

How do I make it?

  • Primary, I am used to working with the Debian and Mate. I hope this mod will work fine on other platforms without problems.
  • Secondary, I used to work with the Geany. Unfortunately, this text editor is not good for yaml structures. Now, I'm used to working with Sublime Text without purchasing a license. This text editor is OK, but it disturbs me a hundred times per day due to the purchase of a license.
  • I am used to working with the Gimp for correct images. I am not a good painter. Therefore, I take images from ufopaedia.org or from another mods and improve each of them. I spend a lot of time to do a better visualization.
  • I correct prepared images in GrafX2, because the GIMP damages palette in .png files and do not set the 0 value for background in indexed .gif files.
  • The LibreOffice and Dia for creating text and diagrams.
  • And at final, of course I use Git and GitHub. This is my first experience with Git and my first project on GitHub.

How to install it?

  • Download the OpenXcom game and install it. Be aware, OpenXcom game requires a vanilla version of the original UFO: Enemy Unknown. If you do not own a copy, you can buy it from one of these retailers.
  • Download the Data Patch and install it.
  • Download the latest release of the Awesome Guns modification and extract files and folders.
  • Copy the extracted Ruleset/AwesomeGuns.rul file into your openxcom/data/Ruleset folder.
  • Copy the extracted Resources/AwesomeGuns folder into your openxcom/data/Resources folder.
  • Switch off all mods and extensions, especially UFOextender and XcomUtil.

If you prefer playing the Awesome Guns modification on OpenXcom Nightly, then this patch can solve the compatibility problems.


I would appreciate hearing your opinion on this. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me by email: ontariobeaver@gmail.com


Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.