Agent: field id="3"
mcruz-umich opened this issue · 1 comments
mcruz-umich commented
In experimenting with modifying the Agent form, I noticed that if I change the value of id="3" to id="lastname", then I get an error when the form is rendered.
<cell type="label" labelfor="3" />
<cell type="field" id="3" name="lastName" uitype="text" colspan="5" isrequired="true" />
<cell type="label" labelfor="5" />
<cell type="field" id="5" name="firstName" uitype="text" />
<cell type="label" labelfor="4" />
<cell type="field" id="4" name="middleInitial" uitype="text" colspan="3" />
Is there some code dependence on this ID field having the value 3?
mcruz-umich commented
Also if you delete this entry, then the form will not open in S6:
<cell type="subview" viewname="Address" id="9" name="addresses" colspan="19" />