
:wrench: my config files > http://dotfiles.github.io/inspiration/

Primary LanguageShell

Pieces to share from the configuration files I use.

Some of my configuration files are also posted here: https://keybase.pub/tknomad/files/config/


Functionality I share between bash and zsh. I generally have it available as /etc/sh which is sourced by both my .bashrc and .zshrc files with the line:

. /etc/sh

My custom prompt with git integration is available for:

Some parts may be specific to the Linux system I use.


These are configuration options for zsh, which are in addition to oh-my-zsh with my custome prompt and customizations that pertain specifically to my local system.


Vim is currently my main text editor. This .vimrc file uses dein to manage plugins.

Resources I found helpful:


Put this in your home folder as ~/.screenrc.

Resources I found helpful:

i3wm .config

Resources I found helpful:

Also I use...

Firefox add-ons:


If you can improve something, by all means open a pull request.