A Telescope configuration for quickly switching buffers using the home row keys. Inspired by Lusty Juggler
Quickly switch between buffers using the home row keys (asdfghjkl;'
). The
default configuration shows a minimal list in most-recently-used order
You can use the same key mappings in other Telescope pickers too.
Since j
and k
are used for quick navigation and some lists have more than
11 elements, you can use Ctrl-j
and Ctrl-k
(or Ctrl-n
and Ctrl-p
if you
prefer) to move up/down the list.
Use your favorite plugin manager to install this plugin, e.g.
Plug 'spect88/telescope-lusty.nvim'
The main buffer picker can be opened by calling
:lua require('telescope.lusty').lusty()
It's probably a good idea to set up a mapping like this:
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>b', require('telescope.lusty').lusty, {})
If you don't like the default config (e.g. the sort order or lack of preview), you can configure your own. The following will run the default buffers picker with telescope-lusty's keymaps attached:
sorting_strategy = 'ascending',
initial_mode = 'normal',
attach_mappings = require('telescope.lusty').attach_quick_jump_letter_mappings,
Alternatively, if you like the minimal buffers list, but don't need the keymaps:
sort_mru = true,
ignore_current_buffer = true,
previewer = false,
entry_maker = require('telescope.lusty').buffer_entry_maker(),