
Arc API Proxy for the Washington Post Arc Content API without exposing API keys and restricting access to GET requests

Primary LanguageGo

Arc API Proxy


go get github.com/codegangsta/gin
gin -p 8080

This above will run the application at port 5000

Build and Deploy:

If you wish the build the application in the traditional "go way",

go build

To run the binary file, run:

export PORT=8080 && ./arc-api-proxy

For the app to work correctly, please ensure you fill out the .env with the correct environment variable. It will use the following by default if no environment variable given.


Build Docker Image/Deployment

Build Image

docker build -t columbiaspectator/arc-api-proxy .

Run Image

docker run -d -p 80:8080 -e PORT=8080 -e ARC_API_URL="https://api.spectator.arcpublishing.com" -e ARC_API_USERNAME="spectator" -e ARC_API_PASSWORD="password" columbiaspectator/arc-api-proxy

Dependency Vendoring

We are currently using godep to manage dependencies. All dependencies are tracked in Godeps.json and copied into the Godeps directory. If the project directory is changed, say from tim to timothy, run the following. However, if any of the source files are referencing same-project package(s), you need to change those import paths first.

For example, I have a package in the same project named connection and my old project name is tim, I will have to reference connection pacakge in my main.go as tim/connection. Now the directory name is timothy and I will have to change it to timothy/connection and then run the following,

godep save -r ./...

godep is not smart enough yet to distinguish whether the package belongs to the same project or is an external dependency.

Go Debugging

If you have used Rails, you will miss using binding.pry. However, Go does have similar. Go has a package called "Godebug"

Install Godebug by running:

go get github.com/mailgun/godebug

Insert a breakpoint anywhere in a source file you want to debug:

_ = "breakpoint"

Replace <pkgs> with the packages we will be debugging if it is not the main package

godebug build -instrument <pkgs>

For example:

godebug build -instrument arc-api-proxy/connection

godebug will generate a binary named yourprojectname.debug, run that binary with the necessary arguments or environment variables and use it as you would binding.pry

For example,

PORT=8080 ./arc-api-proxy.debug