- 0
New release
#172 opened by guiwitz - 1
UserWarning: Failed to create RectangleSelector object. Interactive pixel class labeling will be unavailable.
#170 opened by hong56123 - 1
AttributeError: 'RasterWindow' object has no attribute 'SetClientSizeWH'
#169 opened by afk-moneymaker - 8
Support for envi float16
#168 opened by petermoore14 - 2
how to access develop branch?
#167 opened by YannChemin - 0
issue when running python -m`
#166 opened by YannChemin - 1
- 0
In Class 'SubImage'
#162 opened by FLCYR - 3
Impossible to open ENVI spectral library
#161 opened by AntanisMJR - 0
What if the covariance is a singular matrix?
#159 opened by zxdawn - 1
How do I learn to use this package
#157 opened by For-Isolate - 4
Complex values of PCA
#155 opened by zxdawn - 2
spectral/graphics/ uses outdated version of RectangleSelector from matplotlib.widgets
#154 opened by losif63 - 10
- 5
- 0
Legend for imshow
#152 opened by Russjas - 6
Enable data editing for SubImage
#151 opened by ManuelPopp - 2
Classes in imshow is showing solid colour
#150 opened by Russjas - 3
How to use SPy to train one model on multi images?
#149 opened by Jasonwtw - 8
View Image issue
#148 opened by scochrane0316 - 2
- 15
- 0
principal_components attribute of calc_stats return is inconsistent with principal_components call
#143 opened by tboggs - 2
module numpy has no attribute 'inv'
#145 opened by Russjas - 1
data type 'complex256' not understood
#144 opened by aaronfultonnz - 3
envi file containing complex values
#135 opened by Nipouradar1995 - 0
- 2
Color Space Explorer becomes unresponsive after using Decorrelation Stretch Renderer,
#141 opened by aloboa - 0
[AttributeError: module 'numpy' has no attribute 'asscalar'] when calling read_datum on an ImageArray object
#139 opened by mhmdjouni - 1
- 1
view_cube failed.
#137 opened by xingronaldo - 1
Deprecation warning
#136 opened by TouchTheFishy - 2
.bin format for ENVI files
#134 opened by remivanbel - 0
- 4
Spectral angles calculation with invalid values
#132 opened by johngallino - 3
Showing wavelengths
#131 opened by TheEnlightened1 - 1
Numpy deprecation warnings
#129 opened by toaarnio - 3
Display is not clear
#128 opened by qiangchi - 2
Unit Tests Fail
#126 opened by CA4GitHub - 2
Spectral/PPI is not running properly
#125 opened by Ridhee - 0
- 0
MatplotlibDeprecationWarning for imshow keywords
#123 opened by tboggs - 3
view_cube image returns only top image and no other bands
#122 opened by npucino - 2
Matplotlib Deprecation Warning: imshow
#118 opened by pythonic2020 - 10
Spectral library resampling question
#120 opened by pythonic2020 - 5
- 7
Handling of bad bands
#117 opened by pythonic2020 - 4
How to use iterator function for image masking
#116 opened by pythonic2020 - 5
Spectral plots in Jupyter Notebook
#114 opened by pythonic2020 - 1
orthogonalize function is broken
#113 opened by tboggs