Super Blank Pico Project

Super blank template for getting started programming Rust on your Raspberry Pi Pico.


  1. clone this project
  2. navigate into the cloned project directory with terminal
  3. run 'cargo run --bin blinky' to build and flash the blinky example written by the rp-rs team.
  4. you should see the onboard LED flashing on your Pico


I made this project for myself for quick new-project start up, but also for future Rustaceans who are interested in taking the Raspberry Pi Pico for a test drive.

It took me around 2 hours to go from unboxing my pico to flashing the LED. Granted I didn't know Rust or anything about microcontrollers when I opened the box, but if I would have had this project I would have used it as a starting point.


The contents of this repository are dual-licensed under the MIT OR Apache 2.0 License. That means you can choose either the MIT license or the Apache-2.0 license when you re-use this code. See MIT or APACHE2.0 for more information on each specific license.