
PolicyPal Network Crowdsale Contract

Primary LanguageJavaScript

PolicyPal Network Crowdsale

Overview of PolicyPal Network Crowdsale Contract

The smart contracts have been audited by ChainSecurity. The audit reports can be found in the folder named audit

Sale Overview

Only whitelisted addresses can participate in PolicyPal Network crowdsale.

During the first 24 hours, everyone is guaranteed the individual min cap of 0.1 ETH and max cap of 1 ETH.

After the guaranteed allocation period, the individual cap will be increased to 10 ETH i.e. for someone who has purchased 1 ETH in the first 24 hours, he or she may now purchase an additional 9 ETH on a first-come-first-served basis. Again, only whitelisted addresses can participate.


The contracts uses a variety of open source projects for ease of development.

Smart Contracts

  • OpenZeppelin - Framework to build secure smart contracts on Ethereum
  • Truffle - Development environment & testing framework
  • Parity - Ethereum Client


  • Chai - Assertion library for JS testing
  • Babel - ES2015 support for JS

Use of OpenZeppelin code

  • SafeMath Math operations with safety checks that throw on error.
  • Ownable The Ownable contract has an owner address, and provides basic authorization control functions which simplifies the implementation of "user permissions".
  • Burnable Token that can be irreversibly burned (destroyed).
  • StandardToken Implementation of the basic standard ERC20 token.



$ npm install -g ethereumjs-testrpc
$ npm install -g truffle


$ npm i



To launch local testnet, open terminal & run.

$ testrpc


Open another new terminal to compile and migrate code changes

$ truffle migrate --reset (--network ropsten)


We're using Ropsten & MetaMask tests on TestNet for beta tests. Local development tests are done using Truffle's test framework.

Local Testing

$ npm test

Commands runs bash script @ /scripts/test.sh, and devs can choose the test to carry out.

  • All tests - Hit enter
  • Crowdsale Contract - crowdsale or cs
  • Token Contract - token or tc

Beta Testing on TestNet

Ethereum Faucet is used to get free ethereum used for deployment, purchases and etc.

(1) Open terminal, to update & sync chain.

$ parity --geth --force-ui --chain ropsten

(2) Open browser and key in address to launch parity interface.

Note: You will be prompted to create an account (if you've not).

(3) Open new terminal, cd to project dir and migrate contracts onto Ropsten testnet.

Parity requires your password at certain steps of the migration.

$ truffle migrate --reset --network ropsten

Post Deployment

Uploading Contract Code & ABI

(1) Get compiler version from terminal

$ solcjs --version

(2) Flatten crowdsale source using Truffle Flattener

$ truffle-flattener contracts/PolicyPalNetworkCrowdsale.sol > PolicyPalNetworkCrowdsaleCompiled.sol

(3) Copy contents to contract source in etherscan

(4) Get Contract ABI from Ethereum Contract ABI Converter