Upwork - Entry Exam


Working FastAPI API with a User and Profile models and schemas.


  1. Fork this repository
  2. Complete the tasks below adhering to the requirements
  3. Submit a pull request with your solution in your forked repository
  4. Deliver a GitHub repository with your solution (it can be private, just give access to @arielaco)


  • Create a User and Profile models and schemas
  • Develop a REST API exposing CRUD endpoints for both models
  • Test at least 2 endpoints using pytest (with fixtures)
  • Point docs to root path
  • Create requirements file
  • Add a section on README.md with setup (venv), install (pip), run and testing instructions


  • Email as username
  • Can have multiple profiles
  • Can have a list of favorite profiles


  • It has a name and a description
  • Belongs to a user


  • Use English for all code, comments, commit messages, and documentation
  • Delete dead code (unrelated to tasks)
  • All responses must be JSON
  • Implement proper folder structure
  • Validation must be done using Pydantic
  • Use multiple commits (when possible, use conventional commit messages)