
Definitions for SpectrumX shared data structures and messaging formats.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

SpectrumX Schema Definitions

Repository for SpectrumX schema definitions, covering shared data structures and message formats.

File Structure

Let's aim to keep the following structure for new schema definitions:

 README.md                     # this file
 definitions                   # all schema definitions
 └─  $COMPONENT                # component that generates messages following this schema
    └─  $SUB_COMPONENT         # (optional) child component
       └─  $MESSAGE_NAME       # a common name describing this message
          ├─  README.md        # (optional) description of the message, required fields, changelogs
          └─  $VERSION         # version tag of this definition (e.g. v0, v0-alpha, v1, v2-rc1, etc.)
             ├─  schema.json   # schema definition
             └─  tests         # (optional) test cases and validation code examples

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