
Automatic Depression Detection: a GRU/ BiLSTM-based Model and An Emotional Audio-Textual Corpus

Primary LanguagePython


Automatic Depression Detection: a GRU/ BiLSTM-based Model and An Emotional Audio-Textual Corpus




  • Regression
    • audio_bilstm_perm.py: train audio network
    • text_bilstm_perm.py: train text network
    • fuse_net.py: train multi-modal network
  • Classification
    • audio_features_whole.py: extract audio features
    • text_features_whole.py: extract text features
    • audio_gru_whole.py: train audio network
    • text_bilstm_whole.py: train text network
    • fuse_net_whole.py: train fuse network

Dataset: EATD-Corpus

The EATD-Corpus is a dataset consist of audio and text files of 162 volunteers who received counseling.

How to download

The EATD-Corpus can be downloaded at https://1drv.ms/u/s!AsGVGqImbOwYhHUHcodFC3xmKZKK?e=mCT5oN. Password: Ymj26Uv5

How to use

Training set contains data from 83 volunteers (19 depressed and 64 non-depressed).

Validation set contains data from 79 volunteers (11 depressed and 68 non-depressed).

Each folder contains depression data for one volunteer.

  • {positive/negative/neutral}.wav: Raw audio in wav
  • {positive/negative/neutral}_out.wav: Preprocessed audio. Preprocessing operations include denoising and de-muting
  • {positive/negative/neutral}.txt: Audio translation
  • label.txt: Raw SDS score
  • new_label.txt: Standard SDS score (Raw SDS score multiplied by 1.25)