Web browser in Rust

How to use

$ git clone https://github.com/speed1313/browser-in-rust
$ ./target/debug/browser-in-rust --html [HTML PATH] --css [CSS PATH] --format [png/pdf]
$ ./target/debug/browser-in-rust --html examples/perf-rainbow.html --css examples/perf-rainbow.css  -f png
$ ls


How to build a web browser in rust

Part 1: DOM

  • set DOM Tree node's data structure

Part 2: HTML

  • parse HTML text and create DOM Tree

HTML BNF (this browser's original)

nodes -> (node S*)*
node -> element | text

text -> (alphabet | digit )+
element -> open_tag S* nodes S* close_tag

open_tag -> "<" tag_name (S+ attributes)* ">"
close_tag -> "</" tag_name ">"
tag_name -> alphabet+

attributes -> (attribute S*)*
attribute -> attribute_name S* "=" S* attribute_value

attribute_name -> alphabet+
attribute_value -> '"' attribute_inner_value '"'
attribute_inner_value -> (alphabet | digit)+

alphabet = 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z'
digit = '0'..'9'
S -> " " | "\n"

📝 Rust's string is UTF-8, so we should use char_indices() to advance self.pos to the next character

Part 3: CSS

  • parse CSS text and create List Structure Stylesheet

row css text

    margin: auto;
    color: #cc0000;
div.note {
    margin-bottom: 20px;
    padding: 10px;
  • Stylesheet
    • Rule1:
      • selectors:
        • tag: h1, id: null, class: null
        • tag: h2, id: null, class: null
        • tag: h3, id: null, class: null
      • declarations:
        • name: "margin", value: "auto"
        • name: "color", value: Color(r:204,g:0,b:0,a:255)
    • Rule2
      • selectors:
        • tag: div, id: null, class: "note"
      • declarations:
        • name: "margin-bottom", value:Length(20.0,"px")
        • name: "padding", value: Length(10.0,"px")

📝 RGBA, A is opacity(透明度) for a color : implementation point

/// Apply style to a single element, returning the specified styles
/// To do: Allow multiple UA/author/user stylesheets, and implement the cascade
fn specified_values(elem: &ElementData, stylesheet: &Stylesheet) -> PropertyMap{
    let mut values = HashMap::new();
    let mut rules = matching_rules(elem, stylesheet);

    // Go through the rules from lowest to highest specificity
    rules.sort_by(|&(a,_), &(b,_)|a.cmp(&b));
    for (_,rule) in rules {
        for declaration in &rule.declarations {// if multiple rules is containd, hash map overwrite the most specified one.
            values.insert(declaration.name.clone(), declaration.value.clone());

Part 4: Style

  • create Style Tree which is extended dom tree which attached style rule

StyledNode - node: pointer to dom tree node - specified_values: PropertyMap, map from css property names to values - children: vector of StyledNode

Part 5,6: Boxes and Block layout

  • layout takes the style tree and translates it into a bunch of rectangles in a 2-demensional space

The Box Model

Layout is all about boxes. A box is a rectangular section of a web page. It has a width, a height, and a position on the page. This rectangle is called the content area because it's where the box's content is drawn. The content may be text, image, video, or other boxes.

A box may also have padding, borders, and margins surrounding its content area. The CSS spec has a diagram showing how all these layers fit together.

quote from robinson

  • LayoutBox
    • Dimensions
    • BoxType
      • BlockNode(StyledNode)
      • InlineNode(StyledNode)
      • Anonymous
    • children(Vec)
  • parent can calculate width first, but can't calculate height before children.

Part 7: Painting

  • Painting takes the tree of boxes from the layout module and turns them into an array of pixels.
  • this process is known as "rasterization"
  • this module only use rectangles to paint.
  • display list is a vector of DisplayCommands

Pretty Pictures

  • implement main.rs


  • HTML

  • CSS
    • add various values
  • Style
    • cascade system
    • initial and/or computed values
    • inheritance
    • the style attribute


robinson source code

dackdive's blog