
Binary rubies for use with RVM (Ruby Version Manager)

Primary LanguageShell


Binary rubies for use with RVM


  • Download the selected package to a temporary directory
  • Install the binaries using rvm mount -r /path/or/url/of/package


Binary rubies created using the following RVM commands

rvm --debug install --skip-gemsets --movable VERSION_NUMBER
rvm --debug prepare --path VERSION_NUMBER


Altho it could be tempting to clone this repository, i must warn you that it contains ALOT of files and is of considerable size. To solve this, you can clone a branch called scripts-only which will allow to clone the repo without all the already compiled binary files.

git clone -b scripts-only --single-branch https://github.com/speedinternet/binary-rubies.git


  • RVM - Ruby version manager
  • GNU Parallel - Shell tool for executing jobs in parallel