
Ansible Galaxy role for AWS provisioning

Stack Builders - AWS provisioning.

Build Status

Generic AWS resource provisioning.


  • Ansible 2.6+
  • boto/boto3
  • awscli


ansible-galaxy install stackbuilders.aws-provision

Role Variables

Default important variables to set are listed below. For all variables check defaults/main.yml

# Amazon region where the resources will be provisioned.
aws_region: us-west-2

# CIDR address block first two octates.
aws_cidr_block: "172.17"

# VPC CIDR block.
aws_vpc_block: "{{ aws_cidr_block }}.0.0/20"

# EC2 AMI ID for the us-weast-2 region: Debian Stretch x86_64
aws_ec2_ami: ami-09d31fc66dcb58522

# RDS database type and port. See: (ansible rds)[https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/modules/rds_module.html] for more information
aws_rds_port: 3306
aws_rds_dbtype: mariadb
aws_rds_instance_type: db.t2.micro

AWS Credentials and connection

In ~/.aws/config we can set a profile or use the default, for example:

region = us-east-1
region = us-west-2
output = json

Then we set Amazon credentials in ~/.aws/credentials for our profile:

aws_access_key_id = AMAZONKEYID
aws_secret_access_key = AMAZONSECRECTKEY

Example Playbook

- hosts: servers
     - { role: stackbuilders.aws-provision }



Author Information

Carlos Egüez, Stack Builders Inc.