A babel plugin adding the ability to rewire module dependencies. This enables to mock modules for testing purposes.
- 0
Simply including this breaks lots of things
#222 opened by erquhart - 18
Jest test on function that's not exported
#183 opened by techrah - 2
Windows 10 and Ubuntu output different code
#226 opened by marcog83 - 3
Integration with CRACO
#240 opened by SnapeEye - 6
- 0
Any plan to port this plugin to SWC?
#239 opened by SasSam - 1
__Rewire__ is not a function
#235 opened by stoplion - 5
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Maintenance Request, is this repo actively maintained?
#238 opened by ghinks - 1
babel/plugin-transform-typescript and rewire
#229 opened by Ranjeet-Naidu - 1
- 0
- 1
Webpack bundle size increases dramatically with rewire
#228 opened by toanqc - 1
Documentation clarification
#232 opened by justin-barca - 0
Documentation clarification
#231 opened by justin-barca - 0
Documentation clarification
#230 opened by justin-barca - 3
- 0
can not work with element-ui
#227 opened by jasontianxie - 4
Test unexported functions
#216 opened by LoiKos - 2
Thanks for a great plugin! I'd suggest adding dynamic import syntax to the readme! :)
#224 opened by LouisStAmour - 2
- 2
- 1
Cannot install through git url
#201 opened by davidabrahams - 4
Error with `babel/preset-typescript`
#218 opened by rosswarren - 4
Babel warning with Flow bindings.
#208 opened by AndrewSouthpaw - 2
Version 1.1 breaks usage with Mocha
#190 opened by fix-fix - 1
How can I enable this for one module only?
#220 opened by josh08h - 1
Broken bundles after upgrade to 1.2.0
#217 opened by darkalor - 9
Babel 7 Support?
#209 opened by damassi - 2
__$$GLOBAL_REWIRE_REGISTRY__ is not defined
#203 opened by d1820 - 1
- 0
can not work when import a folder without "index"
#215 opened by clownvary - 6
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- 4
Support for Reset All would be useful
#188 opened by sazzer - 0
Transitive dependencies
#207 opened by CMCDragonkai - 1
Using the rewire transform plugin with chevrotain results in errors about _get__
#206 opened by CMCDragonkai - 1
^1.1.1 fails to transpile with webpack ^3.5.4
#202 opened by Steffan-Ennis - 0
ReferenceError: Enzyme is not defined
#204 opened by FezVrasta - 0
- 2
Doesn't work with babel-plugin-relay
#191 opened by koistya - 0
- 1
Babel issue
#196 opened by jonashartwig - 0
__Rewire__ interferes with Jasmine's this
#193 opened by 0nse - 2
Not working with babel-loader ^6.3.0
#181 opened by xveganxxxedgex - 1
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babel-plugin-rewire breaks babel-preset-power-assert
#180 opened by sazzer - 1
babel-plugin-istanbul being run twice, when executed in conjunction with babel-plugin-rewire
#187 opened by bcoe - 1
Property left of ForInStatement expected node to be of a type ["VariableDeclaration","LVal"] but instead got "CallExpression"
#184 opened by mikesherov