AmCharts Widget for Yii 2
This package is registered at, so to install it you just need to add a line to your composer.json
"require": {
Put in your view:
$chartConfiguration = [
'type' => 'serial',
'dataProvider' => [['year' => 2005, 'income' => 23.5],
['year' => 2006, 'income' => 26.2],
['year' => 2007, 'income' => 30.1]
'categoryField' => 'year',
'rotate' => true,
'categoryAxis' => ['gridPosition' => 'start', 'axisColor' => '#DADADA'],
'valueAxes' => [['axisAlpha' => 0.2]],
'graphs' => [['type' => 'column',
'title' => 'Income',
'valueField' => 'income',
'lineAlpha' => 0,
'fillColors' => '#ADD981',
'fillAlphas' => 0.8,
'balloonText' => '[[title]] in [[category]]:<b>[[value]]</b>'
echo speixoto\amcharts\Widget::widget(['chartConfiguration' => $chartConfiguration]);
Another example
$chartConfiguration = [
'type' => 'xy',
'dataProvider' => [['y' => 10, 'x' => 14, 'value' => 59, 'y2' => -5, 'x2' => -3, 'value2' => 44],
['y' => 5, 'x' => 3, 'value' => 50, 'y2' => -15, 'x2' => -8, 'value2' => 12],
['y' => -10, 'x' => -3, 'value' => 19, 'y2' => -4, 'x2' => 6, 'value2' => 35],
['y' => -6, 'x' => 5, 'value' => 65, 'y2' => -5, 'x2' => -6, 'value2' => 168],
['y' => 15, 'x' => -4, 'value' => 92, 'y2' => -10, 'x2' => -8, 'value2' => 102],
['y' => 13, 'x' => 1, 'value' => 8, 'y2' => -2, 'x2' => -3, 'value2' => 41],
['y' => 1, 'x' => 6, 'value' => 35, 'y2' => 0, 'x2' => -3, 'value2' => 16],
'pathToImages' => '../amcharts/images/',
'startDuration' => 1.5,
'valueAxes' => [['position' => 'bottom',
'axisAlpha' => 0,
'minMaxMultiplayer' => 1.2
['position' => 'left',
'axisAlpha' => 0,
'minMaxMultiplayer' => 1.2
'graphs' => [['valueField' => 'value',
'xField' => 'x',
'yField' => 'y',
'lineAlpha' => 0,
'bullet' => 'bubble',
'lineColor' => '#b0de09',
'balloonText' => 'x:<b>[[x]]</b> y:<b>[[y]]</b><br>value:<b>[[value]]</b>'
['valueField' => 'value2',
'xField' => 'x2',
'yField' => 'y2',
'lineAlpha' => 0,
'bullet' => 'bubble',
'lineColor' => '#fcd202',
'balloonText' => 'x:<b>[[x]]</b> y:<b>[[y]]</b><br>value:<b>[[value]]</b>'
'chartCursor' => [],
'chartScrollbar' => []
echo speixoto\amcharts\Widget::widget(['chartConfiguration' => $chartConfiguration]);