ghostpilot is an open source driver assistance system. ghostpilot performs the functions of Automated Lane Centering and Adaptive Cruise Control for over 85 supported car makes and models.
- ahoeppner
- ajw0
- antflores
- cheeseonhead
- corey71458
- Dr1v3M3
- dunnojustin
- GarciaBeta
- Gunninite
- hankdiep
- jacklee206
- jakinl
- jasonmoreau
- jo3shmoo
- Jredish11
- jsegillBoston
- kayladerpp
- kineticrootkitQuantis Dynamics
- letrandat
- MeterPucha
- MikeG1973
- NamekPoland
- ntegan
- oipoistarTerminalWorks
- redblueboy
- rockindy@andestech
- Saber422
- steveham3
- stingshen
- sxi3265
- theoshermanEdmond, OK
- trentrand@commaai
- twilsoncoColorado School of Mines
- VenomrushCT
- webnizamEmirates Transport
- YitzchokBrooklyn NY