
Great deal of UI manipulating functions (nameplates, actionbars, pvp functions, ...)

Primary LanguageLua


Great deal of UI manipulating functions (nameplates, actionbars, pvp functions, ...)

Download at: https://github.com/spelgubbe/wow-ui-functions/raw/master/ui-functions-latest.zip

Functions documentation:

"comboPointLocation(number)": 					1: CP are showed above target portrait, 2: CP are showed below your own portrait
"combatTextStyle(number)": 						0: Scroll up, 1: ??, 2: ??, 3: Arc
"setDamageFont(fontLocation)": 					This font is not only used for damage. Blame Blizzard. fontLocation example: "Fonts\\SKURRI.TTF"
"setNameplateFont(fontLocation)": 				Font for names on nameplates
"setNameFont(fontLocation)": 					Font for names on unit portraits
"resizeArenaFrames(scale)": 					1 means 100% (default size), 1.5 means 150%, etc
"resizeSpellBars(player, focus, target)":
"moveArenaFrames(position, offsetx, offsety)": 	Position examples: "topright", "bottomleft", "topleft", "bottomright".
												Offset is how many pixels you want them to be moved from their preset positions in x and y-coordinates.
"showMaxLevelBar(true/false)": 					Show/Hide the replacement for the XP-bar at max level
"showXPBar(true/false)": 						Show/Hide XP bar
"showBinds(true/false)": 						Show/Hide keybindings on your buttons
"hideMacroText()":								Hide macro text on buttons
"showAllTargetDebuffs(true/false)": 			Show all debuffs on target (otherwise you mostly see your own debuffs)
"enableFullscreenGlow(true/false)": 			Fullscreen glow effect
"classIconPortraits()": 						Class icons instead of the usual portraits for players
"classColorHealthBars()": 						Class color on target/focus healthbars
"classColorNameBackground()": 					Class color behind the names on the target/focus portraits
"arenaTrinketFrames()": 						Shows enemy trinket cooldowns in arena.
"normalizeBarsWhileCC()": 						No red "cooldown" on your spells when you are in CC
"snowfall()": 									Shows an animation when a buttons are pressed on the actionbars