Unofficial Ansible playbooks for deploying on-premise Bitwarden installation from the source.
Warning: You should use the preffered installation way: Use the manual installation way only if you understand what you are doing and why you need that.
Based the official instructions for the manual installation way:
ansible-galaxy collection install community.general
- local:
pip install hvac
- remote:
pip install docker docker-compose
- Optional: Hashicorp Vault client
Fork this repo for yourself to edit them as you wish. You need to change and fill something, before proceeding to testing:
- Install requirements
- Prepare and pass secrets variable (as dictionary) - better from external secrets storage like Hashicorp Vault. Checkout deploy.yml for example
- Edit the environments/*:
- fill the hosts files
- edit the group_vars files: provide required values for variables
- Edit the main configuration file template - global.override.conf.j2 in roles/bitwarden/templates
- Replace / edit the mssql config file template - mssql.override.env.j2 in roles/bitwarden/templates
- Replace /edit the bitwarden-nginx container config file - default.conf.j2 in roles/bitwarden/templates
Note: Provided default.conf 2 is not the original one provided in the source. It's edited to be used with front-facing load balancer, which terminates SSL. Please use the official one.
- Edit the main role variables file: roles/bitwarden/vars/main.yml
- Generate certificates as provided in the instruction:, and place them in files/{prod/stg}/identity.pfx and files/ca.crt files. Save the private keys somewhere safe.
- Checkout the latest version number and edit the version variable in the main playbook - deploy.yml.
Provide required environment via -i option
- Prepare and pass secrets variable (as dictionary) - better from external secrets storage like Hashicorp Vault
- Run high-level playbook:
ansible-playbook -i environments/stage deploy.yml --extra-vars "vault_token=<token>"
If you have problem Ansible client for macOS:
export OBJC_DISABLE_INITIALIZE_FORK_SAFETY=YES; ansible-playbook -i environments/stage deploy.yml --extra-vars "vault_token=<token>"
Run the 1,2 steps from "Initial deploy" section.
Official instructions:
- Create the database backup
- Check the database backup
- Update Bitwarden release version in deploy.yml version var
- Run the same steps as for "Initial deploy". Note: you should checkout / clone the upgrade version repository for step 3.
- macOS: fork security bug (ansible/ansible#32499):
objc[12784]: +[__NSCFConstantString initialize] may have been in progress in another thread when fork() was called.
You should not comment out in docker-compose or stop bitwarden-mssql container if you are using external database!