
Ideas about Yaru in Budgie !

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi !

and sorry for being the first to « report » something !

https://discourse.ubuntubudgie.org/t/help-needed-to-produce-yaru-budgie/4612 brought me here.

I tried to play with Yaru in UbuntuBudgie ( 20.04, not Gorilla ) and maybe those observations can be useful ( ? ).

As often in Budgie, external gtk-theme show most problems in panels and applets :
⋅ in panels, solid background ? Expected transparent.
⋅ blue dots in icon tasks list ( I’d expect orange, or purple ) + glitches at corners of icons
⋅ truncated icons ( or wrong spacing ) in workspace switcher ( quite top right of screen ).
If you tick ON for « integrated theme » ( second switch ) THEN
⋅ pixel-saver icons are no longer matching,
⋅ global-menu spacing is so short it’s barely usable,
⋅ but workspace switcher then has a better look ( but inverted background ).

As Adapta has solved most problems regarding Budgie applets and panels, it looks like a sane base to build upon ? Its DeepOrange variant seems to match Ubuntu colors be it in light or nokto ( dark ).

I tried without and with the gtk.css you provide and to be honest I did not notice any difference. I suspect here I did something wrong. Yes I did log out / in and even reboot.

Anyway thank you for your time and attention.

Hello! I'm sorry for the long time to answer.
Did you putted gtk.css inside /home/$USER/.config/gtk-3.0 ?

Regarding specifically Ubuntu Budgie, I can't really tell. Maybe they have some file overlapping the gtk.css?
I can't really test it, I'm not using Ubuntu anymore