Bureau of Prisons API

I started to create a scraper for statistics section of BOP's website, but then after some exploration I managed to dig up some of the bop.gov's API endpoints.

Quick Facts Enpoint:


The JSON response contains all of the following stats:

Statistics for people in federal prisons

  • Age
  • Citizenship
  • Ethnicity (Hispanic and Non-Hispanic)
  • "Gender"
  • Offenses
  • Prison Security Levels
  • Race
  • Restricted Housing
  • Sentences Imposed

Population Statistics

  • Number of people in BOP Custody
  • Number of people in privagely managed facilities
  • Number of people in other kinds of facilities

Staff Statistics

  • Staff Ethnicity/Race
  • Staff "Gender"

Location Endpoint:


Information about FOB Facilities

  • Name
  • Address
  • Location Types (Institution, Regional Office, Residential Reentry Mangement)
  • Gender
  • Private Facility (T/F)
  • Security Level

Residential Reentry Facility (Halfway House) Endpoint:


Information for individual RRC facilities

  • Name
  • Address
  • Bed Count (w/ male and female breakdown)

Corona Virus Endpoint:


Reported Corona Virus Stats by Facility:

  • City
  • Inmate Deaths
  • Inmate Recoveries
  • Inmates Testing Positive
  • Staff Testing Positive
  • Staff Recoveries
  • Staff Death Amount